Do state laws pre-empt federal authority to administer and enforce immigration laws? Asked by rhine44 5 months ago Similar questions: state laws pre empt federal authority administer enforce immigration Politics & Law > Law.

Similar questions: state laws pre empt federal authority administer enforce immigration.

No they do not preempt. But they can fill in the gray areas that federal law does not cover. For example, the feds can let someone into the country.

But the person admitted can't lawfully drive a motor vehicle without complying with state law.

No. That's why when states pass laws that compete with federal laws, they are sued by the Feds and it ends up in the Supreme Court.

From what I have read in hundreds of newspaper articles, hundreds of TV commentators, hundreds of comments from people who are on all three sides of this debate, the primary issue seems to be money. (Three sides - the far left, the middle, and the far right.) Using broad categories for the three sides: Group One: There are many who support open borders, with the country providing services to everyone who comes into the country. They seem to say the cost to taxpayers doesn't matter.

That's a money issue. Group Two: There are many who say the illegals are here, and the country should provide services to those who are here, but the borders should be closed. They seem to say the cost to taxpayers does matter, we will take care of those who are here but we must stop the flow.

Companies, especially the hospitality industry (hotels, motels, restaurants), agribusiness, and construction, seem to fit in this group as well. This is a money issue as well. Group Three: There are many who say the borders should be closed, there should be no services to the illegals, and the illegals and their children should return to the home countries.

That's a money issue. If I am right - or even partly right - then the bishops need to take the teachings of the church into consideration, and encourage their members to support illegal immigrants. That means full support - provide housing, food, education, and medical care to the illegal immigrants.

The companies who seem to me to fit into Group Two could provide support as well. That could satisfy those in Groups One and Two - as no taxpayer dollars would be paid to illegal immigrants or any of their family members. But none of us will hold our breaths until that happens!

These issues make me want to revisit George Bush (POTUS 43) and his guest worker with a path to citizenship plans during his time in the White House. Why? I don't recall details of his plans.

I do know he wanted his plans passed into law. And I also know millions of people have forgotten that a Republican president supported the guest worker/path to citizenship program. Those millions of people include Republicans who either forgot or disagreed, and Democrats who may have blocked it from their minds.

In a hurry. Meant to say:That could satisfy those in Group One, who could take care of illegal immigrants and their families. Could satisfy Group Two, as no taxpayer dollars would be paid to illegal immigrants and their families.

And it might make headway with Group Three as well.

" "is arizona immigration bill the same as federal immigration law.

Is arizona immigration bill the same as federal immigration law.

Well Utah thinks so. Skylight 49 months ago.

Well Utah thinks so. Skylight 54 months ago.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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