I'm looking at getting an MP3 player for my wife and need to know if other MP3 players will connect to an IPOD connection jack in our Odyessy. Asked by bstair 58 months ago Similar questions: IPod MP3 players connection port Consumer Electronics > MP3 Players & Accessories.
Similar questions: IPod MP3 players connection port.
Consumer Electronics > MP3 Players & Accessories.
No. The connector is proprietary. This answer assumes you're referencing the Honda Odyssey iPod Connector.
This provides a link between the Odyssey's sound system and the iPod's Dock Connector. The latter is a proprietary port found only on iPods. However, a competent audio shop and probably wire in an AUX jack for you, or you could change out your head unit for something with a standard 1/8" stereo in.
Though just going with the iPod is probably the cheapest all-around connection. Oh, and the Odyssey's system should play MP3 CDs, so that's another option for you. Sources: Hondapartsdeals.Com Joram's Recommendations iPod & iTunes: The Missing Manual, Fourth Edition Amazon List Price: $24.99 Used from: $13.00 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 16 reviews) Apple 80 GB iPod video Black (5.5 Generation) Amazon List Price: $349.99 Used from: $299.99 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 160 reviews) Showcase Video 60 Amazon List Price: $34.990 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 6 reviews) Apple 1 GB iPod Shuffle Metal (2nd Generation) Amazon List Price: $74.990 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 216 reviews) iPod & iTunes For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech)) Amazon List Price: $24.990 Used from: $4.990 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 4 reviews) Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8H29jU8Wrs Will the iPod blend?
Not topical, of course...but funny.
Only the Ipod will work. If your talking about the wire that comes out of the glove compartment box and plugs into the bottom of the Ipod then only the Ipod will work. You can save money and get a ipod nano or get a refurbished ipod.It works great with this Honda because you can control the ipod with the radio controls which will help a lot while your wife is driving.
Sources: automobiles.honda.com/models/audio_acces... Lexlee's Recommendations Apple 30 GB iPod video Black (5.5 Generation) Amazon List Price: $249.99 Used from: $197.99 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 189 reviews) Apple 2 GB iPod Nano Silver (2nd Generation) Amazon List Price: $149.99 Used from: $104.99 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 133 reviews) .
Yes, it will. Most MP3 players use USB 2.0 ports to connect to your computer. It would be helpful if you could specify which player you are thinking of buying.
But, generally, iPods use USB ports, and chances are your MP3 player will use the same kind of port. Your computer probably has at least two of these ports, so you will be able to use both at the same time. To see what a USB jack looks like and to verify if you have it, please click here:
Sources: Opinion .
Well, all MP3 players including ipod are compatable with headphone jack and AV jack, but ipod can also use special port.
" "Why aren't there any mp3 players with am radio?" "Looking for MP3 players options other than iPod. (see details).
Looking for MP3 players options other than iPod. (see details).
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