Yes, but finding information on the short-haired one was a challenge, even though they are said to be the most popular. Here's what I scraped up: "The smooth Dachshund is what most people think of when you tell them you have a "Dachshund". This sleek, short haired, looking classic is a true Sausage hound.
With a smooth, velvety coat that is silky to the touch these guys sure have an attitude. Personality and temperament wise, these wieners seem to be the most "free-thinking" of this Germany|German breed. Read Stubborn!
They know what they want and will do what it takes to get it. Of course, some early training can tame their "persistent puppy" traits, but they may always be a handful. After all, this intelligence is what helped them survive their battles with badgers and help them find their way out of the small tunnels they had dug into.
A few other points on the Smooth, Dachshund Coat. Easy to groom with its short hair, an occasional bath and brushing to remove dead Skin|skin, these pups will shine in the sun! Speaking of sun, the Smooth is the most vulnerable to weather.
Cold and wet are not friends to this sleek Doxie. Low to the ground to begin with, they will fight going outside tooth and nail if the elements are too harsh. "
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