Do Voodoo Dolls Actually work?

Yes, but it's not a very talked about subject, as voodoo is dark magic. My friend fell victim from one when his ex-gf got one from the crazy cat lady across the street, and to this day, my friend can't feel his buttocks. Who knows what the crazy girl did for that to happen.....

Yes, but only as pincushions. -- Regards, John Popelish.

Voodoo dolls originate from the African Congo. Santeria uses dolls too but only to represent the orishas,the use of dolls to influence the life of a person for good or ill comes from the Bantu people of Africa.santeria and voodoo originate from the Yoruba tribes of west Africa not south central Africa.however both Haitian voodoo and santeria became heavily influenced by the Congo religion in the Caribbean,as the Yoruba slaves encountered the Bantu Haiti Congo voodoo is known as petro, in Cuba and Puerto Rico is Palo. I have seen this dolls in particular the Palo ones which aren't too different from the Haiti ones anyway.

They work by acquiring an object from the person it's designed to affect,clothing,picture,ect. But there's also a lot of other things that go into it to charge it with power. But the most important thing is the backing of a spirit, of the dead or demi-god,orishas,lwas,nkisi or both.

Without the help of a spirit the doll is useless. This religions work by combining elements of nature with the powers of spirits who are directly tied to nature anyways. Each class of spirits is directly tied to a particular element,water,earth trees ect.

And so are we,ours is earth. All the minerals and vitamins found in the human body are found in the earth,and when we die we go back to the earth.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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