Do you consider the devastation from the tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, etc., 'Acts of God'?

No, I do not unless you follow the line that God created everything therefore he is responsible for those actions. I don't see it that way. Things exist for a purpose, the earth, the atmosphere, the weather generated by the atmosphere...all of it has purpose.

I don't believe that God creates tornadoes so much as I believe that God created weather to nourish and revitalize the earth and the tornado and hurricane are just a negative side of that energy being released. They are phenomenons of nature. Proof of that rests in the fact that they occur primarily in the same geography mainly because the factors which create them exist in those regions.

All these things are a part of life just as a simple bee sting or a snake bite. God doesn't make the bee sting us but he does give us the ability to recognize the threat and deal with the aftermath. How we approach it and how we deal with the result is what God is more interested in.WB.

God is "love", is incomplete. It is one of the greatest fallacies in our modern society...........that all God does is , "love" others. True students of the Bible, also know that God has MANY facets..............He is a judge, He is forgiving, He sets standards for living, behavior and obeidance.

He is jealous, He is a hard taskmaster, He is a healer and a punisher. God is the great equalizer. Such students, also know, that rain falls on the just and the unjust, alike........God is supreme!

No one else outranks though they have their "specialites" advice to, the " prince of the air".

I'm an atheist so I definitely don't think god has anything to do with these disasters. It's 100% nature and has been happening since the beginning of time. Now though, we have internet, youtube and we see virtually everything that is happening all over the world almost instantly.

Of course. God is the All-Willing. He is also the most Merciful, most Gracious.

I believe G-d micro-manages every measurable and immeasurable unit of matter, energy and other. I believe everything G-d does is a blessing and is for "the" and "our" ultimate good. As far as I can tell, our human free will is a special sub-class of those blessings, that comes from G-d's choice to give us choice.

- Duddy.

I believe they are all exactly what the Bible predicted they would be. I don't believe they are "Acts of God" because God does not interfere with the natural laws of nature. He lets nature take its course.

After they're over with, He helps us work our way through them and deal with them so that we may move on with our lives just as we would any other day.

Yes, everyone get's what he deserves. I am talking in general. Maybe not you, maybe someone close to you did something that "the major force" didn't like it.

I only consider them "Acts of God" in as much as they are acts of nature and since God created the Earth, he created nature. I don't think that tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, and such are sent as punishment to the various parts of the globe. I think they are simply natural disasters that happen, sometimes more often than others.

For me it helps to look at mans creations and the inherent characteristics in them. Think about something mechanical like a car, or an airplane. They are more or less perfect when they are operating correctly in all aspects (emmisions question aside).

We get into our vehicles and expect that they will safely perform to get us from point A to B, but if a tire blows and causes the vehicle to go out of control and the occupants are killed, does that mean that Henry Ford caused, or allowed it to happen? I hardly think so. That may seem overly simplified, especially if we consider the infallible nature of God, but we know that everyone dies sooner or later.

Is it less cruel that someone dies of old age in bed over a three day time span? How an individual dies is less important than how they live! God set natural law in place, and although we tend to think of a perfect God who has the ability to intervene, we must also consider that these events are part of the grand scheme, or inherent characteristics of the universe 'machine'.

Perhaps these are our opportunities to show love through our own actions by helping our neighbors in their time of need, and where Gods love and delight is shown.

I don't think they come about by the deliberate intention of a personal God, no. But if you think of God as the total consequence of all happenings in the Universe then I guess that would be yes.

NO Absolutely not. Act of nature is NOT an Act of God. God can/did/will use nature but the normal natural cycles are just that - nature itself.

There is nothing to compare with except. An Act of God is when you might have rain falling without any clouds; or and lightning strik in the middle of winter, with no clouds or electrical charge in the sky.

No. I do not think that God is up in heaven plotting out ways to devestate mankind. Natural disasters are just that - natural.

The question was about the devastation caused by natural disasters such as tornadoes, not about the natural disasters themselves. Surely man's ingenuity has been, and is, capable of reducing or even eliminating the devastation. Why do fewer houses fall down and fewer people get injured or killed during earthquakes in the US compared to, say, China?

Devastation from natural disasters is controllable by us humans. There is no need to invoke or blame God. Insurance companies please note.

I think some people like to think various good or bad things are 'acts of god' because they can't explain them, or they are so blindingly horrible and devastating that people want to give significance to the disaster. Saying, "All these people dying was an act of God" is easier to accept for most people than saying, "We have no explanation why these horrible things happened to these particular people. " People always need an explanation for why something happened when they can't understand the reason.It is easier for people to say that God did it than to admit that it was random.

That would make them vulnerable because if it is random it could happen to them, but if God did it then they think they can stop it by being a good person.

There are so many questions spanning such a broad range that I will have to generalize a bit. I hope you don't mind. The recent natural activity these last five years has been harsh to say the least.

But to say these things are caused by a loving god I think is quite a stretch. A Just god, of course, and by all means. But a loving god, no.

A loving god would not place his creation in the hands of a fallen angel either. I also can't help thinking a loving god would not cast out any soul for any reason, mortal or not. If we were created in his image, then god is the exact same as you and I.

And I certainly would not torture my creation for any reason. I believe that a god can be just, and a god can be loving, but not both. I'll tell you now that I'm atheist.

This is a very sticky subject, as I'm a practicing atheist, and think about this stuff oh,... never. I know the same things about Christianity as Christians do and so fourth. I just don't believe.

I don't take them literally, and because of which I can apply the ideas. Which are the most important parts, by the way. The story is not whats important.

Just as long as the prince never gives up, the hero always does whats right and the people always uphold moral law. There is beauty in everything. The Bible is certainly no exception.

I can see God as a beautiful, collective idea of all that is good and just. I can see Satan as all that is evil and selfish. So in that being said I can now tell you what roll I believe "Satan" has to play in all of this.

The weather will continue to get worse until we can let go of our selfish nature. Stop drilling for oil, and learn to ride bikes, build green, harvest wind and sun for power, and do our part to make the planet we live on thrive. Stop being evil to others.

Watch what you say to people, feelings are important. We cannot take it upon ourselves to make someone else hurt, based solely on the way we ourselves feel. It's never ok to hurt anybody, in and way, for any reason.

Satan is a creation of our collective actions. If we can do everything we can for everybody, and exercise utter selflessness, then maybe one day we can all achieve a symbiotic relationship with the world around us.

Yes, acts of nature are acts of God. God created nature. Whether or not God moved nature to deliberately cause specific death and destruction is a different matter.

Yes, God is love. And what matter these temporary, Homo sapiens vessels? It is and s children look like spiritual and immortal sources of creation.

When God created Noah's Flood, He killed most of humanity, but not for the ordinary wickedness and violence most of us know about. Remember, He cares not for the bodies, but only for his "dead" asleep children. And yet, He needs us to have these bodies for us to have the opportunity to solve our reawakening -- to accept the Christ.

Could Satan be mortal ego? From ego comes all manner of evil -- selfishness, pride, arrogance, suicide, and others. Could ego be the dirty rags Jesus was talking about?

Could ego be the "self" which has to die in order that we may have everlasting life? Could ego be the master of this world? If so, then Satan had nothing to do with tornadoes and earthquakes.

They are ACTS OF NATURE....if God equates to nature in your mind...and nature to God, I guess you can believe something along that thought. God is LOVE. He doesn't CAUSE death and in strike them upon s world and They are the occurrances of the this life....the human state.

This is merely a dress rehearsal before Eternal life, if this is your belief. God is said to be OUR Heavenly Father. If you have children, you love them, teach them right from wrong, good vs evil, give them direction and guidlines, protect them to the best of your ability.......If a terrible tragedy befalls a child......did the PARENT C A U S E it?

I think not.

Ah yes the old debate of science versus religion.. in my experiences these debates never turn out good.. but I agree with the line of thinking that acts of nature are acts of God and God created nature.

I won't read any reply until I answer your question. YOU SAID: how do you reconcile causing death and destruction with being a loving God? Isa 45:7 - I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

CONSIDER THIS: Life is like a light bulb. A positive wire (God) WITHOUT a negative wire (Satan) will NOT light up a life (our existence)SATAN IS OF THE WORLD....Rev 12:9 - And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Satan is here to deceive the world remember - God created HEAVEN and EARTHThings OF THE WORLD are Satan's domainI can not explain enough here to bring the truth forward ...REMEMBER THIS:Luk 18:17 - Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein..... in other words......... accept the simplicity of the scripture (as a child).

It is simpler to perceive the answer to this question when we consider a relationship between God and man the way we relate with other people. If you had ten children you would not correct all ten in the same manner: Each child relates differently to the parents by following or rebelling to the set rules. When you apply this to God relating to s children He will correct some children by the love shown after a disaster between people, He will end others' lives so the rest will not attach themselves to people or things and simply depend on and so many other ways that He can talk to each individual.

Some people need an earth-shaking experience to reconsider their spouse, children, parents...God. My thought was always God made nature and these are natural disasters. Now, I remember scripture talk how he dresses the flowers in the field and takes care of birds, what more won't He do for I now believe He is active within us, calling us, insisting to relate with us.

The further away a child goes from their parents' goodness - alcoholism, drug addiction - the harder and more creative the parents will get to bring that child back. We are cloning God's work, killing the unborn, destroying the planet which He created and preventing children from coming into this world out of selfishness. If you were God, wouldn't you want your children to snap out of it?

No, I don't believe that they are Acts of God. I feel that it is down to climate change and the effects that it is having on our weather and our environment. I don't believe that God would create earth and then destroy it killing lots of innocent people.

Its funny you posted this question , bc I've been thinking alot about god and what happened with these crazy tornadoes and what not. And this is what I think. ; I think earth is hell and heaven is above,.

Thats what I think. This down here is lessons to be learned what ever the lesson we must learn it or we come back for another trial . Yes I know your probably like *girl your crazy!.

But this is my theory on god and the devil. Bottom line I think that this is to show us the value the importance of strength of faith, . Not everything on earth will be perfect.

We must learn from it and grow stronger. This is my theory on the subject.

Extreme weather patterns are also part of the atmospheric circulation. They are in fact products of this system which can very from year to year.

The Bible doesn't ONLY teach that God is love... it also teaches that He is a jealous God, and when it comes to destroying enemies even a vengeful bahstud. Most info about the Christian God is found in the Old Testament - and it doesn't take much time to notice that He is a rather unpleasant character. So... I wouldn't be surprised if all the nasty happenings on this Earth are indeed Acts of God.

God is totally good and there is no badness in him. We leave in the dispensation of grace and not the dispensation of law. Under law (Old testament times) God would unleash his wrath on people that annoyed him.

A point of reference is when Elijah the prophet called down fire from heaven to kill the soldiers that had been sent to arrest him. But in the new testament time, God would never do that. A case in point is when the disciples were chased out of a city and they were so annoyed that they asked Jesus to call down fire from heaven to destroy the village- Jesus never allowed it to happen.

King James Bible-Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all. I don't think there's any promise from God that faith or salvation will make your life easy, happy, prosperous ... Life happens to the righteous and the unrighteous just the same. Faith in God can help a person have the courage to accept loss and tragedy without becoming bitter or angry.

I guess yes. As per the Lord Almighty chooses this way of punishing humanity when we intervene in his working or when fulfilling our selfish motives we destruct the environment and his creationDepletion of ozone layer, global warming etc are all caused by our daily routines and as a result of this we experience floods and other calamities of nature. I really believe that by causing these natural disasters God warns us that we still have time to mend our ways else we will be made to pay heavily in coming future.

I believe in God, but no I do not think that all the devastation that has occurred recently is him. I think we need to take responsibility as a society for what we have been doing to this planet. We have been using up it's resources for to long and polluting it for to long.As far as a solution to all of it, everyone has to chip in, doesn't matter how small the feat may be.

God created the earth and all of its functions. He did not, however, create it to function like it does. These are not acts of God.

Acts of God are protective, loving and forgiving. These horrific events are reactions of nature. They are disasters.

They are natural disasters. I live just a few short miles beyond the Joplin, MO city limits. It is a disaster of nature, though nothing seems natural about it.

No Not an act of God but definitely an act of satan who loves to kill and destroy.

It would be far easier to blame natural occurrences on divine intervention than to try to pick up a book on meteorology, seismic Earth activity, etc.. It is simpler to proclaim that God is disapproving of voodoo, so He destroyed Haiti, or that He loathes homosexuals so much that He often shakes San Francisco senseless. Although I do not believe in God and find the idea of blaming mythology for everything bad in the world ridiculous, I do understand the rationale some folks use to make sense of a bad situation. If only they had put as much time into disaster preparation as they had in prayer, this "logic" might be unnecessary.

It is interesting to know that many of us think of God whenever we have natural disasters. I think we should also think of m whenever things are good and pleasant. He made all things and only He understands why He allows some things, and prevents others from happening.

I don't think God can be held responsible for such disasters. It harks back to the tribal mindset, would be soon consider sacrifices to please our God? If God is responsible, is he punishing an entire district or community and for what reason?

Disasters happen in large and small scales, it is nature, pure and simple.

I consider everything as a whole an act of God. He created weather overall so indirectly, the bad weather can be blamed on God. But, he also created humans, both good and bad.It is not whether he has created life or the planet that is sustaining it but whether we consider this an omen we should watch out for or whether he is a good God when there is bad things in this universe that people question.

It is what we do in reaction to an event or what we choose to believe in because of that act, I consider free will. I do not consider natural disasters to be punishments or discipline or proof that God is uncaring. If you believe in God then why think God is cruel if people go to heaven when they die?

How does the passing of their body seem cruel? We all will die.It only seems cruel if you don't believe in heaven or God anyway. In which case, this question is mute.

I believe that nature controls and is capable of controlling completely and permanently, its belongings, which is everything. Nature self-regulates to ensure change, to prevent stagnation caused by over-population or whatever factor. That doesn't mean that God doesn't bestow this power onto nature, and can actually override it should He wish.

I don't know the answer to that, only that I believe nature controls 'natural disasters'.

In Romans 8:18 it says that this earth is aching and groaning and looking forward to the day when it joins God's children in freedom from death and decay. In Luke 13 Jesus spoke about the people who died when the tower fell on them. He said they were not any more guilty than anyone else.

This earth is subject to natural disasters. Accidents happen because of the way we live. People are hurt in terrible ways by others.

God's love is for each and everyone. Peter says He doesn't want anyone to perish but for all to come to repentance. We live in a world that is dying, and so things happen that we can't always understand.

But those who have learned to trust God through hardship and pain understand that s love is for them no matter what this earth throws up. From Australia our thoughts and prayers are with you. You are suffering terrible destructive weather.

Our hearts go out to you.

No these are not acts of God. He wants us to live an abundant life. Nature is a part of life and God is there to get us through it.

He will never leave you or forsake. As far as Satan Adam gave dominion to him when he sinned but Jesus took it back when he died on the cross them went down to hell for three days and took back what the devil stole! God bless!

Yes all are created by god & destroyed by him. He is the supreme. We can only wait & watch.

No, I don't. Natural disasters have been a part of life since the world started and it keeps getting worse because of pollution and the greenhouse effect; not because God is trying to punish us for doing wrong. I certainly don't believe in God, I'm not religious but I still respect others who are and this is my honest opinion.

I still share my concerns for all those people victims of tornadoes and disasters and I only wish the best for them.

If a person believes in God, believe that even if only at the very beginning it was God that made the Universe from nothing, then you have to believe that everything that happened after that was a result of something God started. Thus it all is an act of God.

I think God created this world and all the nature in it. Since he gave us all free will, maybe that also goes for nature. Maybe the nature he created happens freely like we do.

I often get frustrated and angry when I read or hear about something bad that happends, however I know there must be a reason for it all and a master plan that we cannot conceive. I think that we all have to go through some bad things to create character. What's one life of hell compared to an eternity of joy?

I think Satan is here to distract us from God so that we become slaves to ourselves and ultimately chose pleasure and selfishness over God and loving each other.

I believe God takes care of big picture things like creating people and animals and the world. He/she may set the stage for weather but does not govern specific events. Floods and Earthquakes happen naturally, God does not choose when and where.

No ma'am...acts of man. We have f'd up the environment with all the technological advances that we now can not live without. Sooner or later we are going to deplete all natural resources and destroy the planet.

God has nothing to do with our selfish stupidity.

Absolutely not. I don't really believe in god. BUT I can say that for those who do believe in him, he'd have to be quite evil to make those things happen.

And his believers see him as being good, therefore it would not make sense for him to make those things happen. Also, they're all natural disasters...nature makes them happen...not god.

And what did they do to piss him off?" And why do you presume to know the mind of God? Quit looking for someone to blame for all things negative.

If you want someone to take responsibility, why don't you, maybe it's your fault for doubting God's love and intentions? Are you doing anything to help any of those people? Or pointing toward others to be responsible for that too?

Some of the most beautiful and amazing acts of kindness stem from disasters. Maybe instead of focusing on the devastation we are suppose to learn that we should help each other, that during the greatest trials of our lives, he will be there, and give us the strength to rebuild our lives. I would say some people's lives change for the better i.e.

Finding strength they didn't know they had, the making of heros, etc.And all you can think of is a mean God, who wants to hurt people. Sad, very sad.

Good question. And the answer is ... Of course God is responsible! Hear the Word of the Lord 32:39 See now that I, I am He, and there is no god besides Me; it is I who puts to death and gives life.

I have wounded, and it is I who heals; and there is no one who can deliver from My hand. God controls all aspects of the weather:Ps.148:8 Fire and hail, snow and clouds; stormy wind, fulfilling God is sovereign over life and death. Even the infirmities in men are by the sovereign rule and decree of God:Ex.4:11 And the Lord said to him Moses, "Who has made man's mouth?

Or who makes him dumb or deaf, or seeing or blind? Is it not I, the Lord? "1 Sam.2:6-7 The Lord kills and makes alive; He brings down to Sheol and raises up.

The Lord makes poor and rich; He brings low, He also exalts.Ps.115:3 But our God is in the heavens; He does whatever He pleases. Even the crucifixion of Christ was under God's sovereignty:118:22 The stone which the builders rejected referring to Christ's crucifixion has become the chief corner stone. This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.

Nothing happens unless God ordains it:127:1 Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it. Unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman keeps awake in vain. And again, just in case anyone was wondering:Ps.135:6 Whatever the Lord pleases, He does, in heaven and in earth, in seas and in all deeps.

God has also sovereignly ordained those who shall be saved, and those who shall inherit damnation:Pr.16:4 The Lord has made everything for its own purpose, even the wicked for the day of evil. The free acts of men are all under God's sovereign rule:Pr.16:9 The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. Seeming "lucky" happenings are all by God's absolute sovereign rule:Pr.16:33 The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord.

Whatever plans are made by men, it is by God's sovereignty that any of them take place, or are thwarted:Pr.19:21 Many are the plans in a man's heart, but the counsel of the Lord will be established. God controls even the free acts of men, including great and small:Pr.21:1 The king's heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He wishes. These are only the tip of the iceberg.

I've tons and tons more, but this should be sufficient for any honest inquirer.

The bible says earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, fires would increase in the end times. The devil has dominion over this earth until his is cast away for the 1,000 years. God IS love and the bible says the devil comes to kill steal and destroy,( not God.) As long as the devil has dominion over the earth there will be nothing but mayhem trying to get you to doubt God and his Love.

In my opinion, it is not the act of yahuwah name of our God, it is by our doing, we abuse our mother nature. That's all I can share for now... God bless....

It is very unfair to blame God for everything that happens. True he made the world and almost an infinite number of worlds. And he may be busy making many new worlds.

Otherwise he may come and save people from the tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, etc. "Acts of god" is a praise created by businessmen, actually the lawyers hired by businessman to draft contracts to cheat others who sign them.

I only recall one bible message where it says when Russia comes against Israel in the last days, possibly with others that it says God will send down fire and brimstone on them and all will know it was so if He was doing all this other stuff I think it would have mentioned that too, it has been prophesied all that will be coming on the earth such as is now and worse to come and I think that is simply God knows it and has shared that with someone to prophecy but that does not mean He is doing it, only warning. Death comes to all one way or another and we should all be prepared and knowing the many ways it could happen and recognizing time is short may bring more to God in time.

Yes, according to the scriptures from around the world God is all powerful, all knowing and everywhere in the universe. Oh yeah, lets blame the big guys. :0.

No God/The Creator does not judge... Human Beings judge through ignorance and intolerance. The weather is a natural occurrence and would simply have to do with 'Climate Change", Global Warming, Green House gasses, Pollution in our oceans... The environment on our earth. The earth is dieing - caused by man made destruction.

No I do not. It is act of nature beyond any ones control.

Well, the Scriptures do say, "God causes it to rain, on the Just and the Unjust alike. " When God breathed into existence the whole Universe, putting into order all that we know of today; so, I guess you could say He's the one who causes everything we know of except - for the choices he allows us to make. Thus, the Sovereignty of God, and the Free-Will of Man.

Isn't that Awesome! In all the universe as we know it, there is God who chose to create all this, and Us who are given the choice to do this or that, to choose this or that. No other beings really have this feature to their being.

That's why the Scriptures teach that we are "Made in the Image of God. " As our time on this earth gets closer and closer to the time of the return of God's Son (Jesus Christ) the scriptures say things will get worst as far as an increase in Natural Disasters, Famines, and Wars, which are all called Birth Pains; but, again as far as the Natural Disasters go, it's primarily all Natural except for man-made Forest Fires and such. Horrible things do happen unfortunately, but its during these times that most people begin to act as they ought to be acting all of the time; so, I have to ask myself just how bad disasters really are and in the long run don't they serve a higher purpose.

The Scriptures promise us that God causes all things to work together for good, so lean on that promise and trust that He knows more than I do on these matters. I'm just a mortal man with just a glimpse of what He's trying to teach me, and for now that will have to be enough.

God is Love and he is also Jealous. When we, as people,forget our brothers and sisters who are in need we get reminders to Love one another. We also love money,cars,homes etc....... more then him.

When they started taking God out of things like the pledge of allegience he is getting madder. Our country was founded under God and we need to remember that. Give God his Glory just as our forefathers did!

Sylvia, Being the total Gemini that I am I would have to say yes and no ... : ).

I have read a lot of intelligent answers. It is nice to be a part of a well informed community. I do believe God is Love.As far as Satan or evil is concerned it will remain a problem as long as someone believes in it.

Evil is neither a person, place or thing, it is just a certain use we make of life. What may have seemed evil to someone yesterday may seem okay today. The more we love and see God in all that we do the less we will believe in such negative things.

God, Spirit or Universal Mind created us to have free will. With the natural laws that are in place and we are subject to them we must be aware of our actions. When we cut down rain forests or challenge nature in any way there will be consequences.

Let us be more aware of our actions and realize that we are a perfect reflection of GOD. We then will see more love in the world and less negativity we will see a more balanced Universe.

I once hear a pastor said that Satan is God's hound dog and if we are naughty he releases his leash a little longer..I personally don't think so esp. In devastation from the tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, etc. ,I have a good laugh when I read the terms and conditions of insurance policy , 'Acts of God' is use as reason.

The Bible says that the Earth itself is groaning under the curse of sin. Destructive weather and disasters are results of sin's curse affecting the earth. Likely, these events are results of the catastrophe in the days of Noah.

Evidence has shown that a massive body struck the earth about 4400 years ago, at the time of Noah's flood. This impact caused the earth to wobble on its axis. The earth used to have an axis much closer to 0 degree tilt.

This is shown by the frozen plants found under the ice in Antarctica. The entire planet was intended to house mankind, not just the space between the poles.

Yes acts of God..god created everything and natural phenomena belong to God...and they are there for a purpose he knows...if we believe there is a god and he is the creator of everything as well as tornadoes, earthquake etc then we should also believe that he has control and he uses his creation as he wishes.

And therefore even if there IS something addressed here as "act of god"...i think he is completely justified! And I wonder why do we always look towards the wrong things done?...i think there would be very few in this world who won't agree with this fact that there is rather MUCH MORE to god than just the destruction that he causes...thus there should be so much more to us while discussing god than just the destruction caused...

I believe in the prophecy.. But I also believe the earth is changing.

I'm actually not sure about what my beliefs are about God, but I think anything is possible...

Not exactly that GOD is like a child pushing a button to activate "Tornado" or "Hurricane", but in certain ways, we can say that GOD allows or approve that this atmospheric phenomenons occur. All that GOD allows is because alwas, ALWAYS GOD has a purpose .

Yes. God allows these things because others commit sin against God. Apart from him we can't do nothing, and to remember that He is a powerful God.

God is Love but s wrath towards our wicked ways. Satan is the destroyer of our life, the killer and father of all lies. Have faith in God.

No. I believe it has to do with how we have treat the earth and her resources. A mass imbalance has been created causing these unsettling 'natural' disasters.

For me, God has nothing to do with any of these. These are caused by nature and some have been triggered by the acts of man.

Become a Jehovahs Witness and youll find out your answers.

No man made problem ,we uses the world ,that he created. Man well destory himself because we all arenot on the page. God gives us his grace and wants to heal our land, but we will not repent.

Satan has pulled the veil to far down over our eyes and we will not ask for forgiveness, therefore he will not heal our land. God will punish the wicked, and he is doing so now at this time.

No! Why blame God for everything, people need to look at the bigger picture. The Earth is just trying to protect herself, we have close to 7 billion people in the world and the earth is just trying to keep thing in balance.

Life and death is a constant, we don't know when or how but we know it's coming. When things start happening it's all for a reason, we may not understand it then but soon or later we could see the purpose for these things. Just think of your life where nothing ever happen and everyday was the same, nothing changed.

How long you think that would last? Not long, change come whether we want it or not, we all need balance. Look at the devastation these disaster's leave behind, it takes from some and provide for others.

Example: a person lost their home, somebody has a job to rebuild it. They both win one with a new home, the other with money he earned from building the house (up to 20 people getting paid) off of one house. We pray and help those who are in need and when it's our turn we hope that others will do the same.It's our nature to want to blame someone or something when we hurt.

Just try to ask what will benefit from these actions. Good or Bad.

This term is an old one, coming from a time when people believed every natural event was direclty created by God. The wind, was seen as God blowing, earthquakes were the gods showing their anger at humanity. People had no understanding of the natural process, and the term has stuck.

God didn't cause that because if he didn't he would be extremely cruel to watch people suffer. If Satan is the ruler of this world don't you think he's the one that has things upside down?

I don't think it's god. I believe it's the work of a guy named earl who lives outside of pittsburgh.

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I think life and death are corelated to each other,disasters may cause destruction but it happens to keep a balance in the nature,for example-fire in a forest burns a lot of trees,kills so many animals and destroys the flora but it helps in the growth of small plants,this is a positive part of it. This is the rule of the nature it never differentiate and no one can change its rules. I accept that god loves us but he made the nature in such a way that it remains balanced.

No they are just acts of the very nature of our planet. Other planets get atmospheric disturbance and volcanoes too.

No. I doubt any higher being had anything to do with all that. Even if it were so, why would someone purposely punish us, or even more, the planet itself and the very innocent other beings that inhabit it.

Isn't guidance what it should be all about?

Good, unanswerable question. Natural disasters are as much a part of this world as anything else. So attributing special meaning to catastrophes is as logical as looking for meaning in the day-to-day rhythms of nature that we rarely think about.

Either there is no God, God has some reason for creating a world with tremendous potential suffering, or God is not in complete control of the world. What bugs me is when people who claim to believe in an all-powerful God only give him partial responsibility for events. So they thank God for saving them from a natural disaster.

Why would you thank someone for saving you from a circumstance created by that individual. Like many things related to religious belief, it makes no sense.

As an athiest, I feel that most religions subscribe to a "God of the Gaps" theory, wherein God is used to explain anything that we have not learned by scientific analysis. Since the creation of meteorology, I can't say that any weather pattern should be chalked up to God. I just cant imagine that a Creator who is responsible for a 14-Billion year-old Universe (and possibly 11 dimensions according to M-Theory) has time to concern him/herself with weather patterns on an insignificant rock.

But hey, if you believe the Bible, the Creator is certainly vengeful and often had no qualms about visiting violence and natural disasters on mortals. Global Warming and pollution are much more viable culprits.

I consider them to be acts of nature and leave deities out of the equation, altogether. But it is interesting that insurance companies would ever invoke God to avoid paying claims... Since we all know that insurance is of the devil, anyway. ;).

I appreciate that this is a religious question, however I feel that natural disasters are just that... natural... it's just earth's way of keeping balance. I cannot imagine a god who is supposed to be all loving causing devastation and pain and death... As for Satan, as far as I'm aware he was not given the power to kill. Then again, my knowledge of relious topics is limited, I was Jehovah's Witness till I was nine, so my facts may not be entirely straight... and their bible is a bit different to everyone elses.

As an atheist I don't believe that there are any "acts of gods". If there is it has a rather twisted sense of humor. Consider that you rarely see a mansion in ruins and for that matter you rarely see the wealthy suffering.

I don't have anything against the wealthy but I suspect that if you did the survey they are, on average, less believing than the poor. And who do we see suffering the most throughout the world? It is by far the poor, it seems that the poorer a people are the more they believe and trust in a god.

Again if you did a survey you would find that the average poor person is much more believing and faithful. The one thing I think we can all see is that if there is a god it doesn't like trailer parks or mobile homes in general. I would also point out that whatever god you happen to believe in, there are more people in the world who believe in a different one.

Since no particular group has fared any better than another in history it is safe to say that neither their or your god is any more likely to be ruling the universe. I see some people saying that because we are seeing so many natural disasters and climatic changes it somehow means that the time of judgments is upon us. But if we look back through history there is nothing to suggest this is true.

There have been ice ages and times of extreme heat, there have been mass extinctions in the history of man and of course the dinosaurs probably weren’t really sinners.

There is No God. If he is there and he does all such bad things, it is time to destroy him.

Yes they can be. If something defy the reason for its existence then its destruction is an option. (i hope I have used the right words).

God might be Love but he is not Happiness. (I don´t understand what you mean by God being Love....sorry). Satan seems to have a pivotal role in all this.

Satan is actually (from what I know) a complex of conscious parts of a person which enable some attributes (behaviroral, temparamental, emotional and mental) which leads to its enabling to ''defy the reason for its existence'' I hope you get my point.

Yes I do consider the devastation from tornadoes, earthquakes, etc. Acts of God. It's Gods way of punishing people and states or countries. If you read the bible it will tell you that all the earthquakes and tornadoes, etc. Are created by him.

There have been countless natural events that people chalk up as "acts of god". I'm a little sick of it...What does god have to do with yet another set of natural occurrences? Tornadoes and floods have been happening for thousands of years with or without the presence of humans.

God does not have a hand in everything that happens on this planet...

No I do not. I do not believe in God, What happens is due to circumstances, a cycle that goes up and down.

Whatever the disasters we are facing seems to point in the direction of human making. I see it as what we have done to the nature of earth and resulting the nature disasters we are now encountering. So, I hope that we start to think of the consequences of our actions before creating them.

Just like the ozone, we have slowly created it many centuries ago and now we are seeing the effect. So, I just hope that in business term, we will consider the consequences instead of just the profits.

Yes I think the devastation from the tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, etc. , 'Acts of God'. Not even in Bible but also in every religious book it is mentioned that God loves all. God loves the progress we did.

But God never allow us to do something against the nature. Now days we are in the race of Progress but we forget that in this race we are playing with the rules of Nature. Like we cut down forests.

God gives us this beautiful planet to live but what we did. For our greed we make changes on it. God is great.

He gives everyone a chance to realize his/her mistakes but when we human being didn't realize or accept our mistakes he have to punish us too. And in God's eye everyone is equal. He treats everyone equally.

Devastation from the tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, etc. , are the signs which God want to teach us that we human being are doing some thing wrong. But still we are doing the same mistakes. If we cannot stop here then I think either we all have to suffer just because of Global Warming or very soon we have to face Ice Age.

Yes,definitely I believe it is act of THE GOD,,,,we don't know how we came on the earth ,we don't know where all of us will gone after there must be a supernatural power who keep balance in all living and non living things. This fact is also proved in Science which is "LAW OF CONSERVATION OF MASS(ENERGY). ".

We all living or non living things are some amount of mass or ENERGY so if we want to produce some mass(ENERGY) like birth of a new baby...there must be some consumption of other mass like death of peoples. Thus, it is cleared that if you believe in God so this Devastations are the act of god to keep balance in nature and if you believe in science then it is just a consumption of mass only.

I think its nature taking its cause and the and the effect of these disasters are as a result of human being interfering with the natural habitat called the earth so much that when the nature reacts to its own cycle, the same human beings are caught on the way. I also believe that God created the world and let it be able to cycle it s seasons, so occasionally the human race will be caught by these disasters which are very deadly and leave many people and communities at a lose of what to do. If God has an hand in this, then he must have his reasons.

But if its a result of natural forces which we have no control of, then the human race should look for ways to stay away from the most affected areas. I feel for every victim of all these disasters.

Yes and no because he knew what was going to happen on earth before it did and our pollution bad choices and everything we do on earth is a result of how the atmospher rotation and weather of the world react. Things happen when big things get moved or changed.

Yes sylvia, hello. I think they are. Especially with the frequency at which they are occuring.It seems like these are the last days.

Many countries will be battered by such unusual weather patterns. We must take these as a sign that the end is nigh-but yet a long way off. That there is something wrong in our world and that we need to change that.

Repent so that we can be saved. Eg japan, usa china new zealand australia fiji haiti. Yes god is in control-therefore we have everything to worry about and nothing to worry about.

Lol. I know-never make light of the lord's discipline. Thank you dear.

Question: "Why does God allow natural disasters, i.e. Why does God allow earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, tsunamis, typhoons, cyclones, mudslides, wildfires, and other natural disasters? Tragedies cause many people to question God’s goodness.

It is distressing that natural disasters are often termed “acts of God” while no “credit” is given to God for years, decades, or even centuries of peaceful weather. God created the whole universe and the laws of nature (Genesis 1:1). Most natural disasters are a result of these laws at work.

Hurricanes, typhoons, and tornados are the results of divergent weather patterns colliding. Earthquakes are the result of the earth’s plate structure shifting. A tsunami is caused by an underwater earthquake.

The Bible proclaims that Jesus Christ holds all of nature together (Colossians 1:16-17). Could God prevent natural disasters? Does God sometimes influence the weather?

Yes, as we see in Deuteronomy 11:17 and James 5:17. Numbers 16:30-34 shows us that God sometimes causes natural disasters as a judgment against sin. The book of Revelation describes many events which could definitely be described as natural disasters (Revelation chapters 6, 8, and 16).

Is every natural disaster a punishment from God? In much the same way that God allows evil people to commit evil acts, God allows the earth to reflect the consequences sin has had on creation. Romans 8:19-21 tells us, “The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed.

For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.” The fall of humanity into sin had effects on everything, including the world we inhabit. Everything in creation is subject to “frustration” and “decay.”.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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