He he, too funny, I love the video and yes that is me! (I am kidding, of course. ) I typically do like to reverse into a parking spot initially and then when it is time to leave, I just pull out.
I guess I may be a bit OCD, when it comes to things, but my thought is, when it is time to leave, I would rather just pull out gracefully, with ease and not have to worry about backing out and possibly hitting a car. About 10 years ago I was backing up and actually hit a parked car in the gas station. I could swore he came out of nowhere, because I checked my mirror.
When I initially hit the car I was so upset this guy could rush in the gas station and pull in while I was backing up. But when I got out of the car to confront him, there was NO ONE in the car. It really must have been in my blindspot, I have no idea, to this day.
But BOY did I feel like a jerk!
I actually do both depending on the space and the number of cars around. Sometimes if you pull past a space to back in the person behind you takes it. So you have to pull in so that they don't try to squeeze youout and say they thought you didn't want it.
For parrallel I always back in.
Well I usually like to back into spaces whenever possible as I find it easier to pull of out of a space compared with having to back out of it. I usually follow this line of thinking for the most part depending on the area in question regardless to how large or small the space is. However, with regards to the video, if I was having that hard of a time trying to back into a space, I would jus go ahead and pull in.
If it takes that much time to back into a space, it would probably would not be worth it to me. However, I will share that if the two areas on both sides of the spot in question are vacant than I will normally pull into the space instead of backing in.
I always drive in and reverse out, I've never come across a situation where I would feel happier reversing in (apart from parallel, but thats different). The main reason for this (which I never really considered before you asked this question) is that well... reversing is hard, to get into a tight spot when reversing is prone to error or misjudgements. So which would I rather do?
Reverse into a tight spot surrounded by expensive vehicles I need to pay for if I damage (at least in part), or a wide open space which if I take slowly will have no cars in it and any that come by will give me a wide berth? I think the question answers itself really. I'm not driving for the challenge of it, I just want to get somewhere.
Even if there were no cars in the park it is also easier to line up in a park when you are going forwards, at least partially because you have already had so much practice only going that way.
I used to drive professionally for many years and sometimes I would be parked while visiting a client for several hours, unless it was summer time, it would very often be dark before I left. In that time the unpredictable British climate ( especially in the winter) could have deteriorated to such a degree that to reverse out of a parking space would be a complete pain. I got in the habit of always reversing into a space and on my return it is just so much easier to drive out.
I guess I was lucky, because I had an excellent driving instructor who was an ex-police officer, he always told me to reverse park and trained me how to do so, it's actually easier than trying to drive in, once you get used to it, if the space is a bit small. As a woman driver I would especially reverse park in a multi storey car park, I like to make a quick getaway from these places, they creep me out!
I'm a pull in and reverse out sort of person. I'm especially pleased if the opposite adjoining spot is empty and I can pull all the way through and can drive straight out. If I have to reverse out, I find that if I back out the same way I pulled in, I don't have to worry too much about hitting a car next to me in a tight situation.
I missed it pulling in, I'll miss it backing out. I rarely back into any parking spot. Every once in a while, I'll back into my parking spot at my apartment complex after I've gone grocery shopping, just to get a little closer to my apartment but that takes a while for me to get the car straight and in the right place, even though there are no other cars around me.
I'm not that great at driving and maneuvering a vehicle. I try to keep it as simple as possible, with the least amount of work!
I always back in you never know what when you might need to leave in ahurry.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.