Do you enjoy watching movies outside of your "typical genre"?

I enjoy the occasional romantic comedy or period pieces such as Pride and Prejudice.

My list of favorite movies is as diverse and eclectic as can be. I like more "guy type" movies than people would expect. I love comedy, and tend toward psychological thrillers and action films mostly.

I also like historical films and the occasional Science Fiction or Fantasy film. I'm not so much into "chick flicks," believe it or not. Although I confess that my list of favorites does include Sweet Home Alabama (because Josh Lucas is HOT), Clueless (because I absolutely LOVE the characters) and My Big Fat Greek Wedding (because I've been in love with John Corbett since he was Chris in the Morning on Northern Exposure!) My absolute favorites though are flicks like Armageddon, Men in Black, and PCU.

If I had to write out the whole list, though, I'd have to make a hub. :-) FUN question, thank you!

I am not a big movie watcher. When I do, I really really love the older romantic comedies. I do watch the occasional action movie and I love horror movies if they are not too gory.

Yes! That said, I don't know if I count, I watch movies all over the map. I've watched more shoot-em-ups than my husband -- and if I didn't write movie reviews for part of my living he'd probably have me beat on chick flicks by now.

I'm not a big horror fan, most of them are just dumb, but I can generally find plenty I enjoy in pretty much any other genre. Psychological thrillers are among my very favorites.

Thanks to all for your responses. Like several of you here, I enjoy all sorts of movies (except horror - don't like those at all! ).

I guess it's like optimist grimlock said, there's movie for all types of moods. My husband and I just saw The Adjustment Bureau tonight -- a 'thinking' movie. Other times, something mindless is desired.

Absolutely. Everyone should. Just because it isn't on a subject that interests you doesn't mean you won't enjoy it.It's like saying you only like R&B music and nothing else.

As a big time movie buff I don't have a genre I'm open to almost anything that catches my eyes! There's always different movies for various moods!

I enjoy every type of movie! With the exception of horror flicks, its always the same thing every single time its pointless and lame. I am a guy and have no problem admitting that I watch romantic movies comedy or not.

I also watch kids movies and those of the pre teen persuation.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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