Now as I'm English my favorite has to be tea, but I do have a favorite brand, P G Tips. This is a strong brew for serious tea drinkers, I love the stuff, with just a little milk and no sugar this is the most refreshing drink I know. The crazy thing is I still enjoy it in hot weather, although it makes me hotter!
Another drink I love is hot chocolate or chilled chocolate flavored milk, this is great at bedtime. If I'm feeling really thirsty when it's hot, a large glass of ice cold lemon tea generally hits the spot. As to coffee, I enjoy a nice frothy cup as long as it's not too strong, I really prefer the flavored ones such as hazel nut, or toffee, a real coffee drinker would be horrified!
Here in Spain the locals drink a vicious looking brew, it's a thick, strong, black coffee in a cup about the size of a thimble, they down it in one go, I could never drink that! All that has made me thirsty, I think I'll put the kettle on.
Now as I'm English my favorite has to be tea, but I do have a favorite brand, P G Tips. This is a strong brew for serious tea drinkers, I love the stuff, with just a little milk and no sugar this is the most refreshing drink I know. The crazy thing is I still enjoy it in hot weather, although it makes me hotter!
Another drink I love is hot chocolate or chilled chocolate flavored milk, this is great at bedtime. If I'm feeling really thirsty when it's hot, a large glass of ice cold lemon tea generally hits the spot. As to coffee, I enjoy a nice frothy cup as long as it's not too strong, I really prefer the flavored ones such as hazel nut, or toffee, a real coffee drinker would be horrified!
Here in Spain the locals drink a vicious looking brew, it's a thick, strong, black coffee in a cup about the size of a thimble, they down it in one go, I could never drink that! All that has made me thirsty, I think I'll put the kettle on.......
Chai is kind of my guilty pleasure. I love the liquid mix, but the dry mix tastes good, too. I highly recommend Oregon Chai, it's not too spicy, but not too sweet either.
I am a big hot cocoa fan little bit o' booze makes it even better. Flavored vodka’s and/or Irish cream are usually my ad ins of choice but you do have to be careful not to make them too hot if you add booze or it kills the alcohol content. I actually even own a cocoa making machine I love it so much.My review of it: I am actually allergic to caffeine so I do not drink coffee and I rarely drink tea.
The only other hot drink I really enjoy is apple cider. It is awesome cold, but heart warming hot. With a dash of honey, it is my favorite sick drink since tea usually makes me feel worse.
They even sell hot cider packets now that take literally seconds to make. I would not say they taste just the same as real apple cider, but there acceptably delicious.
Two of my favorite warm drinks are lemon tea and hot chocolate. The irony with both is that I only consume them when I’m not feeling well. During any other time throughout the year, I only drink each occasionally so I’m not sure if this truly falls under the “favorite†category.
I also occasionally drink a cup of coffee here and there with my wife on a Sunday Morning but you would not catch me buying a cup of coffee on my own like some of us do before we begin each work day. It’s kind of strange because growing up I really hated the smell of coffee and couldn’t stand it but now I guess it’s not so bad after all, when consumed in moderation J.
My favorite hot drink is a Toffee or Banana Nut Cappuccino. As like you, I can drink it in the winter, spring and fall. I have been wanting a cappuccino machine for years, but still do not have one.
I have to run to the gas station when I am in the mood for a drink like that. As far as hot drinks go, that is the extent of my list. I do not enjoy coffee.
I have tried it with flavored creamers and still prefer a cappuccino over coffee. If I am at a party and they have flavored coffee, I occasionally will drink some. Typically if I am not drinking cappuccino, I may drink Diet Coke or a juice.
I enjoy Crystal Light, as well.
I don't drink much coffee, but I do enjoy a nice cup of hot chocolate and tea during the cold winter. I rarely drink it any other time of the year just because of the heat factor involved. One of my favorite teas is Bigelow Orange and Spice.It's caffeine free and is great either hot or iced.
It goes well with ginger cookies for those that like ginger. Celestial Seasonings has a great tea called Tension Tamer.It's also caffeine free, has great blend of herbs and Vitamin B that naturally relaxes the body. I enjoy this about an hour before bedtime to help me sleep.
As for hot chocolate, I like just about any kind, as long as it has the little marshmallows on top. Sometimes I will add a little whipped cream on top for some added flavor.
My favorite hot drink is the traditional hot chocolate drink. I used to buy it in ready-to drink packs and just heat it up in the microwave. But anytime I have some dark chocolate or any bittersweet chocolate, I am tempted to make one from scratch because it tastes better.
This is how I do it: *Hot chocolate drink recipe INGREDIENTS • 2 cups whole milk • 3 tablespoonful sugar • ¼ teaspoonful vanilla extract • 1.5 oz. Bittersweet or brown chocolate PREPARATION * Chop or Grate the chocolate into tiny pieces and put in a small bowl. * Heat up the milk over a medium-low heat until it is very hot and begins to steam.
* Add sugar and the vanilla and stir the mixture until the sugar is well dissolved then put off the heat. * Pour about ¼ of the milk over the chocolate in the bowl. *Stir the mixture until well incorporated.
Add more milk and Continue to stir until you get the consistency that you desire *Pour out into cups and serve hot with marshmallows or whipped cream for toppings
I have to agree with @potterarchy here. A warm chai tea latte is amazing. There are many varieties of this, and Oregon chai tea is also one of my personal favorites, but I recently tried a variety that is available in K cups for the Keurig home brewing system.
Since I love both tea and coffee, and I don't have a lot of time to brew either, I like the convenience of the Keurig. With K-cups available in so many different flavors, you can literally have a different kind of tea or coffee every single day. Also, you can have some of your favorite name brand varieties like Starbucks coffee and Dunkin Donuts coffee from the comfort of your own home in a matter of minutes.
The Keurig brewing system makes one cup at at time much faster than your ordinary coffee pot or even an iced tea maker.
It goes both ways for me! The only way I can drink tea is with sugar mixed, my sweet tea! I have always been a big fan of hot cocoa personally.
I do however also enjoy a nice cup of coffee in the morning to help get my day started off the best way! I remember when I was little my mother would always make us a cup of hot cocoa, on the day we officially claimed it to be winter. So now when it gets cold, and I drink a cup of hot cocoa, it sends all of those great memories rushing back to me!
This was a great question, and I look forward to reading everyone else s responses.
I love my coffee, for sure, but the thing I love when I want to relax and just enjoy an afternoon, is canella tea. Canella is cinnamon in Mexican, and you take a cinnamon stick, broken up into small pieces, (don't use the powder! ), and drop it into a pot of cold water.
Heat to a rolling boil, let boil for 5 minutes. It will act like a potpourri at this stage, the smell is wonderful. Your tea will be a pink color, and its naturally sweet, it also has an added benefit of helping the pancreas to stay healthy, and helps in insulin production.
Its great as an iced tea too, and when you make your ice cubes, add a sprig of mint or some orange zest into the cube before freezing, this add more of a scent than taste, and its wonderful in any kind of iced tea. Enjoy it! I sure do!
Hugs! Leenie.
If we could only bottle it... Well, anyway, I had to cut back on it big time. I have a seizure disorder just last week, after only two 20-oz. Cups of very strong iced coffee-over about three hours--I was in an emergency room, hyperventilating.
I think I forgot the food part of that show--I've lost two close family members halfway across the country recently) Official diagnosis: "Palpitations. " Every test came back fine, and eventually I was OK to walk out of the place. I was likely just stressed about family members being ill.
I just happened to be at that hospital--I'm there often for physical therapy--and I'm the guy known for walking around, iced coffee from their coffee cart in hand. But you did ask about HOT drinks. The woman who operates the coffee cart introduced me to this one about three years ago.
I don't have it often, but when I do, I find someplace in that hospital that's quiet so I can enjoy it. Black & White Mocha Yield: 1 - 12 oz. 1/2 ounce Ghirardelli Sweet Ground Chocolate & Cocoa Flavored Sauce 1 ounce Ghirardelli Classic White Flavored Sauce 2 ounces brewed espresso coffee 8 ounces steamed milk Combine sauces and espresso in 12 oz.Mug.
Stir until well combined. Pour steamed milk into mug; stir to combine. Top with froth from steamed milk.
Sprinkle with Ghirardelli Cocoa or drizzle with Ghirardelli Sweet Ground Chocolate & Cocoa Flavored Sauce and/or Classic White Flavored Sauce. Sprinkle with toasted chopped hazelnuts, if desired.(They're not desired, thank you. ).
I'm a huge fan of coffee and can drink it hot throughout the year. I do enjoy all of the fancy espresso-based drinks most coffee bars sell these days (Mochas, Lattes, etc. ), but I'm not usually a fan of the price $4-$5/drink. For a slightly less expensive option that will give you a twist on standard coffee, try one of the following: 1.
Cafe au Lait (or Cafe Misto at Starbucks) - simply, coffee with steamed milk. I'm not sure what it is about the warm milk, but it is a good twist on your regular coffee.2. Dunkin' Donuts French Vanilla - it's the same price as their regular coffee (which I also like), but if you get it with cream and sugar it's outstanding.
I’ve had to cut down on my caffeine intake due to having PVCs (Premature Ventricular Complexes) but I do like to have my coffee. So, every morning I have two big cups of decaffeinated coffee with a little chocolate flavored Coffeemate in it. I’ve never been one to drink tea hot and I don’t know of anyone around here who does.
Maybe it’s not a southern thing. I do like hot cocoa in the winter time with those little marshmallows. Also hot chocolate with a little butterscotch schnapps in it is a great way to warm in the winter.In the summer we drink a lot of iced tea which is also decaffeinated.
We make sun tea in the summer which is just basically using the sun to steep the tea instead of boiling it.
My favorite is highly subjective depending on my mood, but at the moment it is black coffee. This drink has a kick and it is the perfect thing in the morning as you wake up. A good coffee will have a strong flavor without being too bitter.
The trick to finding a nice coffee for this is to familiarize yourself with various blends and roasts. The light roasts have a delicate flavor that enhances the bean while darker roasts offer a rich flavor. Try using a coffee press &/or a cold brew coffee for a perfect cup.
I am normally pretty cheap but every once in a while it is worth springing for great beans. Give this a shot when you get the chance. Https://shop.thehungersite.Com/store/item.
Do? ItemId=1521&siteId=220&sourceId=220&sourceClass=StoreSearch&index=2 While you are enjoying your drink take in a little music from Black Coffee.
I enjoy many hot beverages, even in the summer if I am indoors where it is cool. Peppermint tea is refreshing and relaxing to the tired body and it also calms the stomach and good for digestion. I rarely drink coffee because of the caffeine, but I will on occasion drink some coffee blends.My favorite coffee blend is Decaf- Hazelnut with real cream added to it.
I love Hot Chocolate and sometimes I will spice it up with Rum in the late evening time, but again this one is rare because I limit my alcohol consumption. There are many herbal teas on the market that are quite refreshing too. Sassafras tea is very pleasant tasting, as well as Chammile tea.
You can find many of these at a reasonable price when you purchase them online. Stores tend to be a little too pricey with these beverages.
When my friends and I used to take regular trips to the local coffee house after taking in a movie my favorite drink was always a hot Chai. I always got the biggest size available and liked it because it not only served as a drink but could be sweet enough that I could treat them as deserts. Of course I’m also a big coffee drinker, drink about 3 or 4 cups of coffee a day, mainly because my work day starts pretty early and any time I can run across a coffee flavor that I really like and that actually has a good flavor I’ll drink it for quite a while.
I’ll even undertake a cup of tea when nothing else is available though it has to have caffeine in it.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.