Do you have any colorfully painted walls in your home?

I love to decorate with color, but it is sometimes difficult to pull off. Asked by txteacher 50 months ago Similar questions: colorfully painted walls home Arts > Visual Arts.

Similar questions: colorfully painted walls home.

My kitchen has a blue accent wall to contrast with the grey walls, and matches the window treatments. It was scary to do it, but it looks awesome (someone told us not to because the kitchen wasn't that big and a color would make it smaller...I don't think that's true at all). My daughter's room is a bright purple that she picked out and at first it was so stark and bright I couldn't stand it.

Her contrast color is black (she's 15...) and it is a very interesting combo, to say the least (the carpet is grey). She also has many posters hanging up, so it covers some of the brightness. My son wanted a bright blue room, and that is what he got.It too was bright, but with the white accents and a darker blue carpeting, it works and looks nice.

For our sunroom/bunny room, I chose a soft butter yellow. It's a very relaxing room.It's a little empty and lonely now though, with Autumn having passed away a couple of months ago. For all intents and purposes, it was her room for 7 1/2 years.

When it comes time to paint again, I wouldn't hesitate to choose some color - it really does liven things up. Sources: my walls autumn00™:0)'s Recommendations My World of Color Amazon List Price: $15.99 Used from: $4.84 Average Customer Rating: 3.5 out of 5 (based on 3 reviews) Color My World Chocolate Truffle Assortment I Live In My Own Little World, but it's OK... They know me here Sweatshirt .

Yeah, I rebelled against white walls. I should explain the reasoning behind the colors. First, the place had pink walls.

That was *not* going to work. The front room/dining room area has a skylight and glass patio doors. And a large front window.

Very bright. I also miss the colors of aspen leaves in the fall. So, I painted the walls bright yellow and then sponged over with pumpkin orange.

People either love it or hate it. I still like it. (And I knew the two shades would work together because I had two bras with that color combo.

Lol) The hallway, which I no longer particularly care for, at least in a hallway, is turquoise blue, sponged over with a lighter, almost white, turqoise. The bedroom, is pepsi can blue. This is because I get migraines and it's easier to shut out all the light in a darkly painted room.It looks good, too.

The artwork on the walls really pops. My friend painted a single wall in her living room a dark burgundy red and sponged a bright white over that. I haven't seen it yet, but she loves it.

I really like that sponging one color over another allows you to have a color you might not otherwise have in the room. For example, I'm not actually a huge fan of Yellow. But the room demanded to have a sunny color in it.

Putting the orange over top of it lessened the amount of yellow while still satisfying the sunny feel. Sponging also makes it so that walls don't look so blank. I didn't have much artwork when I moved in, but it didn't matter because the walls were already interesting to look at.

You might look for something you own with a color combination that you like and take inspiration from that. (Perhaps not a bra, but whatever works!) After all, you already know the colors work together and that you like them. =) .

I love colored walls. When we bought our house, it had basic beige in every room, so I have been tackling a room at a time, bringing in color. I painted the master bath sage green.

One accent wall in my bedroom is dark red to offset a beautiful framed piece of black and white art. My daughter's room is a sunny yellow with modern-looking daisies and dragonflies painted at chair-rail height. The living room is still all beige because it's HUGE and because I'm not sure what I want to do with it yet.

The planned projects for the coming summer are to paint the kitchen white with a cobalt blue accent wall, to add some Cubs red and blue to my son's room, and a major project in the kids/guest bath. My aunt does designs for interior paint projects in Chicago, and she came up with a plan for our hideous bathroom that has a mauve pink toilet and bath tub. I just jump in with color because replacing a bad paint color is the easiest project to do over, and I love to paint.It's such an easy way to change the look of a room and usually the cheapest compared to other projects.

BarbieM's Recommendations 1001 Ideas for Color & Paint (1001 Ideas) Amazon List Price: $24.95 Used from: $0.98 Average Customer Rating: 3.0 out of 5 (based on 1 reviews) Painting Your House Inside and Out: Tips and Techniques for Flawless Interiors and Exteriors Amazon List Price: $19.98 Used from: $15.00 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 4 reviews) Mastering Fine Decorative Paint Techniques Amazon List Price: $21.95 Used from: $0.44 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 5 reviews) .

Walls I love color! I have "Olivene" living room walls and a dark red kitchen, and plan on making the family room a yellow ochre when I find someone who will paint it for me (I hate painting walls! ) There is nothing that brightens up a room or adds more interest than a coat of paint, I think.It’s cheap, easily replaced if not liked, and comes in a complete rainbow to chose from.

It just adds so much more life and "style" to a room to see it with something other than bland builders beige...which is how my family room is now. I know it would warm up the room incredibly, and pull the furniture colors together so much more when it’s a color.It’s just a matter of finding a painter! Color is nothing to fear.

Some colors, even a deep color, can become a neutral when on your walls. I consider my green and my red walls neutrals, and find that they work well with most furniture I put in front of them. It’s a great way to express your personality and creativity.

I guess there are mistakes that can be made in selecting the colors for walls; most paint stores have programs that enable you to see how your room can look painted in various colors, which can help with that, and most have someone to help you out about what colors look best together. Many decorator places actually offer free advice! Give one a call and see what they say!

Paint and color is nothing to fear--if you don't like it, you can always paint over it! Poppet! 's Recommendations Annie Sloan's Painted Kitchen: Paint Effect Transformations for Walls, Cupboards, and Furniture Amazon List Price: $22.95 Used from: $2.72 Average Customer Rating: 2.0 out of 5 (based on 1 reviews) .

I have a yellow kitchen/dining room and a BRIGHT red bathroom. Other than that, I'm all Vanilla. Misspinkpiggy's Recommendations Express Yourself with Color (Better Homes & Gardens) Amazon List Price: $12.95 Used from: $0.01 Average Customer Rating: 3.0 out of 5 (based on 4 reviews) Mood Indigo: Decorating with Rich, Dark Colors Amazon List Price: $35.00 Used from: $0.01 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 6 reviews) .

" "how do I spot clean flat painted walls?" "Painted my cabinets off white, food cabinet turquoise. Concrete floor stained dark brown. What color for walls?" "what kind of tape will stick to "ecofriendly" painted concrete block walls?

Masking, duct & double-sided foam don't work" "We suddenly have ants in our home in the dead of winter. Does this mean they are living in our walls?" "the walls in our house have glue on them from paneling then painted over, eeek the glue came through, will kilz cover it" "How does one remove scuff marks from flat painted walls? " "My shower curtain have stuck 2 latex painted walls, how can I prevent this without repaintng the bathroom with oil base?

" "I have heard about a "wallpaper" that is specifically designed to cover plaster walls and to be painted. Anybody know?

Painted my cabinets off white, food cabinet turquoise. Concrete floor stained dark brown. What color for walls?

Masking, duct & double-sided foam don't work.

We suddenly have ants in our home in the dead of winter. Does this mean they are living in our walls?

The walls in our house have glue on them from paneling then painted over, eeek the glue came through, will kilz cover it.

I have heard about a "wallpaper" that is specifically designed to cover plaster walls and to be painted. Anybody know?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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