Do You Prefer Natural Skin Products Over Artificial Skin Products?

Natural skin products I would say. Because with these products you will not take risk to get some side effects which artificial skin products have (most of them):)))....

Definitely, natural skin products! Many synthetic products are petroleum based....dont like the idea of rubbing crude oil all over my body.... though it seems everything is petrol based these days....

I do use both. I noticed though that there are so many natural skin remedies that I can easily prepare at home, using kitchen ingredients. These natural products are cheap and very effective.

- oatmeal - I regularly use this for my face scrub because it is totally gentle on my skin but super effective in removing dead skin cells. I use benzoyl peroxide for my acne and while it is effective, it tends to dry out my skin. Thus, I use oatmeal to remove the flaky, dried out, crusty skin - yew!

:) I used other exfoliants but I have to say oatmeal is the best. - virgin coconut oil - We have plenty of VCO in the Philippines and I use it as a beauty product for so many of my skin problems! I use it as a night, eye cream so I won't develop too many crow's feet.

I also use it as a body and nail moisturizer. Again, I've used so many moisturizers in the past but I can honestly say none of them ever worked wonders on my skin the way VCO did. - baking soda: This is another all-around beauty ingredient for me.

I can use it to whiten my teeth and my skin. - brown sugar and honey: I use these ingredients for my face mask. They are very rich in anti-bacteria and anti-fungal properties and can actually prevent wrinkles and saggy skin.

I feel natural products are best and much safer to use. Using products with chemicals has the possibilities of being damaging to your skin or causing damage elsewhere. Labels sell and the promise of youth and many spend a lot of money, too on these products.

Yes I believe. Because many skin care products contain harmful toxins that have been linked to hormone imbalances, joint pain, headaches, allergies, and a host of other ailments. These chemicals can even cause depression, and ironically, skin problems.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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