I think Obama is a genuinely nice person, not mean spirited and hurtful as many of today's politicians are. I would say that he is doing relatively well at trying to help America's image with other world leaders. However, his economic policies seem terrible to me (they all seem to involve just throwing money at the problems), the whole idea of even attempting to redo the health care system in the midst of this economic crisis seems--and pardon the term, but it is the only fitting one I can think of-- retarded.
We have companies going bankrupt left and right, hundreds of billions are being spent in bailouts, funding, etc. And he wants even more money to spend on health care? I have always been taught that when money is low, you "tighten your belt" so to speak, not buy more stuff that you can't afford. That being said, I do feel somewhat bad for the man, as he did come in at the beginning of an economic crisis and had a tough situation to deal with.
I think the majority of the blame lies on the media and the voters, believing in him to be a veritable savior of our society (Obama Christ if you will :-P). You cannot expect someone with nearly no prior experience to actually have the savvy and understanding to be able to fix something so huge and not make some major screw ups.In the end, I would have to say that I strongly disapprove of his performance.
I am an American living abroad. During the previous administration, I spent all of my time trying to explain why America is still a great country despite the leadership in the white house. That doesn't happen any more.
Outside of the U.S. , Obama is almost universally praised, and in turn, the U.S. For electing him (much as how @jeffhoard explained his feelings) Has he been perfect?No. He is still a politician in a highly partisan and religious country, and some of his actions reflect his political background. Presidents are never going to be able to please all the people all the time.
He has done many things that don't please me, but as done exponentially more things that make me proud to be American. Do I think that people should not criticize Obama? Absolutely not.
From huffingtonpost.com/2009/06/15/bill-maher... Bill Maher to a certain percentage of the criticism from the far right, questioning the actions of the president is not only a good thing, it is a vital thing. Real substantive debate should always be raised with any president. But all said and done, I would say Obama is one of our best (and he's just getting started).
My opinion on this subject doesn't really matter because I am Canadian, but I have been pretty wired to the American political landscape for quite awhile now, I would approve of his efforts so far. Strongly approve. He's been in office under a year and considering what he inherited from the previous administration he has had a lot of cleaning up to do.
Honestly, he has. Consider, the legal knot that is Guantanamo Bay and the war on Terror worldwide, the unpopular Iraq War|war that is Iraq, the other failed war that is ongoing in Afghanistan... These are wars that have lasted longer than WWII, no progress, literally just handed to Obama and his admin, by the old administration who seemed to forget the wars were happening. Obama has already made major decisions and has overseen before unthinkable developments, such as the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/06/30/white-house-hails-iraq-tr_n_223226.html urban troop withdraw in June....and he had that Somali pirate crisis, North Korea threatening nuclear war and has the Iranian power struggle to watch.....and he had to deal with an economic meltdown (the result of previous administrations.) He's had to oversee the collapse of major American industries and companies, he's had to pass the largest stimulus in American history.
Did we mention he's only been in there since January? Toss on top of that having to deal with the media, having to buy a dog, be a good father and husband and still being able to quit smoking. Compared to previous presidents... again as an outsider... I would say this president is doing a great job.
I would actually be very interested in knowing how his first 6 months stack up with other presidents.Again... as a foreigner, I hope Americans can just step back and understand what image Obama has given America abroad, compared to the previous 8 years of terror, fear, torture, war and just general douchyness that America exported to the rest of world (remember freedom toast? ) You appear to have chosen a President who appears strong, smart, rational and committed to freedom domestically and abroad.It's still early, but I can't see anything wrong with Obama at this point in his presidency.
I strongly disapprove. When he was elected I figured he probably do some things I agree with and disagree with, just like every other president in my lifetime, but I am really scared about our economic policy and the debt we a racking up, also I'm not a fan of the health care thing and the fact he keeps appoligizing for everything, we are rapidly losing our place in the world. I'm also disappointed in the fact that he was supposed to bring change and openness in government and he seems to have brought more corruption, cronyism and government control.
I strongly disapprove I don't like how he is helping the rich people with big jobs and not the people that need the help I will pray for all of the people in need. God bless you all hope the world gets better sorry obama But you need to care more for the people in need . Look at gm getting all the money thay got form obama it is sad please help us obama but other than that he does try his best even though he need to help the people in need .
He's well thought out. He thinks before he speaks. He talks about real issues that really speak to people who live in the real world - not some "have-mores" rich universe.
He is ambitious, works hard and well balanced. He cares about his family and obviously is raising very well behaved daughters. So go obama!
I feel that he is doing an OK job for as long as he has been in office. He is a respectable person with a religious background and he appears to be a loving, caring father as well as an outstanding husband. I do not feel however that it is right for our government to be bailing out companies such as GM.
We need jobs, lower gas prices, higher min. Wages and for our economy to be on a fast track again. If the president would haven taken the money he used to bail these companies out and gave it to the American people it would have without a doubt got our economy moving.
Families would have been able to pay bills, shop ( that"s what we need to do to move the economy), go on vacations and improve the economies movement. Besides what good is it to bail GM and other companies out if the people do not have money to purchase their products?
I strongly disapprove of the job Obama is doing, in my opinion he promised too many things during the campaign that he hasn't delivered in what I believe is a timely manner and the stimulus he helped pass hasn't seamed to save as many jobs as we were lead to believe. Of course everyone has their own opinions.
Large block of SALT here... I don't know President Obama personally Public relations wise, I'd have to say "He's doing okay. " From the public views they give: He does seem to be trying hard. He does seem to care.P.s.
I did not vote for President Obama in the election but he is the President and I do pay respect. :).
I strongly approved Barak Obama. Because He is not aggressive in international issue,he can realize what are actual problem in world,he has sympathy for muslim country,he always keep open a door for discussion in major issue,he think before speak.
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 25 percent of the nation’s voters strongly approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Thirty-six percent strongly disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of minus 11. Meanwhile, 61 percent of likely U.S. voters favor a law in their state that would shut down companies that knowingly and repeatedly hire illegal immigrants.
Sixty-five percent (65%) say those that hire illegal immigrantsare a bigger problem than the immigrants themselves. The Presidential Approval Index is calculated by subtracting the number who strongly disapprove from the number who strongly approve. It is updated daily at 9:30 a.m.
Overall, 49 percent of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the president's performance; 50 percent disapprove.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.