First of all, let me start by clarifying exactly what 420 Day was originally intended to be. Many people hear this and get the idea that we should get high, do nothing, and sit around and eat Doritos all day. While that may be some people's way of bringing light to the situation and rebelling against current policies, the overall goal of 420 Day is to increase awareness and promote greater legalization of marijuana and hemp nationwide.
It is not necessarily a "holiday" or a "celebration," but instead a form of protest and a day to bring awareness. It should be mentioned here that not all marijuana legalization activists even smoke the Ganja, but instead believe in equal freedom for all, are opposed to prison and jail overcrowding at the expense of taxpayers due to harsh marijuana laws in a large number of states, and are also in favor of the economic benefits that legalization can bring to many areas of the country. With that being said, many activists in the state of California may soon have a reason to actually celebrate this day and the efforts that they have put forth towards legalizing marijuana, and Colorado may soon be the same way, as both of these states are on the brink of legalizing marijuana outside of prescription use.
It is relevant that the legalization of marijuana may occur first in California, since that is where the term 420 originated. A student in San Rafael came up with the term, when a protest group was formed that lit up in unison outside of the school at 4:20pm. No matter how you choose to protest or increase awareness among others, 420 Day is becoming more and more popular, even among those who do not really know what it is all about.
I don't smoke anything. Never have. I don't drink.
I did have a glass of champagne once though. I don't do any other drugs, never have. I even gave up caffeine because it was killing me (true story).
In light of all that I've answered the legalization question before here on Mahalo and even got BA for it. But I don't have to like the drug (or any drug or drug delivery system - like cigarettes for example) to agree that it's silly (to use a technical term) for it to be illegal. The ONLY reference to 420 I hear ANYwhere but on Mahalo (since I don't frequent those circles socially) is as an excuse to get high.
Joking about getting high or simply to sound like they're involved with the "in crowd". Never is it about protesting, advocating or educating. In fact the last person I spoke to that tried to teach anything while high could only talk about fish emulsion and the sex of the plants he was growing using his secret formula (that he forgot he'd just told me involved fish emulsion).
Which after 2 hours got really, really, REALLY boring. I didn't even have to smoke it to benefit from the sleep including qualities caused by listening to someone who did smoke it for 2 hours. Contact drowsiness maybe?
Smoking it creates a need to smoke it just like any drug, including aspirin (except don't smoke aspirin - please). As with any medication, taken in moderation, as prescribed or indicated has it's use. After that it's no different than cigarettes or alcohol.
People cease to be able to function to a degree they feel is "normal" without it. That's why I'm against it. The weed itself, not the legalization of it.
I prefer my recreation to be non-induced myself. Chevy Chase once said (after Betty Ford's Clinic), "I took drugs to find myself. What I found was what I was like on drugs.
" So my advice? 1. Support the cause.
2. Don't do drugs. 3.
Ignore everything I just said and check your emulsion to compost ratio before you fall asleep. Don't even get me started on Reggae....
Amusing trivia... 4/20 is also Hitler's birthday, the date of the Columbine School shootings, the day the french revolutionary war began, the day earth day began, and the day radium was invented...among other things. If you check the history, its actually a very active day unlike the couch slumping potato chip munching day people imagine it to be simply because it also so happens to be associated with marijuana. I call it a day of activity.
I celebrate 4-20 with a good campfire and friends. I do support the legalization of Marijuana everywhere else (It is basically legal here in Alaska) as it's harmless. It was made illegal for all the wrong reasons and is one more limit on our freedom that is unnecessary.
Freedom means allowing peaceful people to engage in activities you might disagree with, as long as they don't hurt other people. This simple principle is at the heart of every moral and just person. "Good people don't obey bad laws" The civil disobedience at 4/20 events help expose the truth that the War on Drugs is actually a War on Personal Freedom.
Should we not have the freedom to choose what to put in our bodies? This year I can't make it, but hopefully next year, when I've moved as a part of the Free State Project, I'll join the activists who are smoking right in front of the State House of New Hampshire.
I used to go to college in Boulder, CO. I loved watching the 4/20 celebration on the Norlin Quad. (From the sidelines, of course.
) Last year there were thousands of people that got together for it, I can't wait to read about how many showed up this year.
Yes 100% weed should be legal. Drunk drives kill weed smokers never feel like killing and thats the truth. I get drunk I want to fight.
I smoke weed I want to eat and sleep. So you decide which one is better for us. Drinking can kill you make you sickly skinny.
I completely support it. Because many of my friends are users and I have nothing against the use of the drug for recreational purposes. I won't celebrate this holiday by using the drug or anything but I will give my support to anything weed related.
For example, any pictures of marijuana that appear on my tumblr dashboard will be marked as "like" or "hearted" :D.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.