Do you Think a lot of people spend there time waiting for something that may never come?

Similar questions: lot people spend time waiting.

It's never foolish to want a better life or better things in life. I don't think wanting things that are of a better quality can make for a better quality of life keeps a lot of us going. Without hope what is there?.

For sure, they need to make it happen themselves like update the resume, apply for a different job, and so on. It is all in the mind and the mind is the only thing that can make your body act to seek those things. If you don't go for it, no one else is going to give you those opportunities!.

1 I'm confused. Who is is waiting for a bigger house, a new car, a better job, etc? Anything like this will only appear if you do something to gain it.So "waiting" for it will never get anything. If you are to gain anything, you must be proactive.

You may choose not to buy a house until you have the money for it, rather than borrowing enough money to get what you want immediately. Why is that foolish? This may not be defined as "waiting" of course, rather an act of actively saving money until the time is propitious.

Perhaps you live in the generation of today that absolutely must have everything they want immediately. The generation of instant gratification. I fear you will often be disappointed, or that you will one day find yourself overwhelmed with debt - a debt fueled by rapacious greed.

"Live for today, for tomorrow may never come?" .

I'm confused. Who is is waiting for a bigger house, a new car, a better job, etc? Anything like this will only appear if you do something to gain it.So "waiting" for it will never get anything. If you are to gain anything, you must be proactive.

You may choose not to buy a house until you have the money for it, rather than borrowing enough money to get what you want immediately. Why is that foolish? This may not be defined as "waiting" of course, rather an act of actively saving money until the time is propitious.

Perhaps you live in the generation of today that absolutely must have everything they want immediately. The generation of instant gratification. I fear you will often be disappointed, or that you will one day find yourself overwhelmed with debt - a debt fueled by rapacious greed.

"Live for today, for tomorrow may never come?

2 I encounter 3 kinds of people..2%--make things happen..40%--have things happen to them..THE VAST MAJORITY, wander around, wondering what happened..

I encounter 3 kinds of people..2%--make things happen..40%--have things happen to them..THE VAST MAJORITY, wander around, wondering what happened..

HankMoody replied to post #2: 3 This is a great post. I was part of the 60% in my younger years most of the time. Then I moved into the 40% category and luckily met some people who happened to be in the 2% category and guess what?

That stuff rubs off! I'm a bit of a late bloomer but hey, better late than never! And I agree...if you're just "waiting" nothing is changing to make your dreams come true they will most likely remain dreams.

This is a great post. I was part of the 60% in my younger years most of the time. Then I moved into the 40% category and luckily met some people who happened to be in the 2% category and guess what?

That stuff rubs off! I'm a bit of a late bloomer but hey, better late than never! And I agree...if you're just "waiting" nothing is changing to make your dreams come true they will most likely remain dreams.

" "Now HERE'S an idea that will help a lot of us be able to spend more time doing the things we like! What do you think?" "What kills you about having to spend a lot of time in the car? " "Does it seem like you spend you whole life always waiting?

I don't spend all that much time on here any more because its too boring. So why is it every time I do come here......" (10 answers).

Now HERE'S an idea that will help a lot of us be able to spend more time doing the things we like! What do you think?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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