Does a self-employed business owner need workman's comp insurance?

I can't sue myself It is my understanding that the provisions generally applicable through the terms of a workers compensation policy are intended to provide relief to an employee who, while engaged in the normal course of their working duties becomes injured in some way. This general set of provisions is construed to mean that an employer-employee relationship exists. In an instance where someone is self-employed, the employer-employee arrangement would be difficult to support in argument; and, therefore, the provisions for application of any relief through such a policy would be inapplicable.

The purpose of this type of coverage would be misapplied if used. The proper insurance for the owner of a business doing the sole work effort themselves in addition to administrative tasks would be of a different form, usually of a personal-policy nature. It would be difficult for a person to sue themselves in order to receive relief through administration of a workers compensation policy via the courts.

The proprietor of such a business would be likely viewed as having the same status as a private contractor, and an entity of one Edits welcome This is my (not the author's) addition to the well written answer above for Michigan Workers' Compensation question: If you want to be covered under a WC policy you can have yourself listed on the policy. Typically for a sole proprietor, they are a sole bread winner and just want jobs and don't want to pay for insurance or WC insurance coverage. WC coverage typically needs to be for a Partnership, LLC or a Corp.

On your policy, it is important that you are not "excluded" so the officer, member or partner is not excluded on the policy if you desire coverage in the event of a Workers' Compensation claim. If you have no employees and want to be excluded, this link may help: URL1 Make sure that subcontractors that you hire have WC coverage if you use them, or you will be paying their wages/costs under your name come audit time if the insurance company chooses an audit.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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