Does anyone actually like Mitt Romney? If you like Mitt Romney, could you please explain why?

Hahaha, love your disclaimer... there is plenty of BS on Y! A about politics. Okay then.

It's been brought up by various parties in various places that Romney (and others) keep saying the economy has gotten worse when the statistics show it is getting better. You have to understand that this is from the same sources that blame Obama for the current economic depression, totally ignoring its causes from the previous eight years or (how sweet) people who think he was able to magically fix in 3 years the damage done in the previous eight. Some of us have parents who deem a "failure" as "you didn't do the thing I expected you to do as of yesterday".

You only see him with white people because that's his buddy list. Maybe the occasional ethnic person for photo ops or because he had to meet them, but seriously, with the tax bracket he is in he doesn't mix much with anyone of a shade darker than week-in-Hawaii tan. I can't name any reason why he's better than Obama, and not just because none of the GOP candidates doesn't come off as at least halfway bat$hit crazy or dangerously irresponsible.

I've listened to the debates, I've fact-checked what Romney has said, and I can't name even one thing he says he wants to do that sounds like a wise move. Attack Iraq? Fight against contraceptives?

Repeal healthcare? Eh, no, these are not in the country's best interests.

Well, there are a lot of people better than Obama at following through on what they say they will do. I don't hold Obama in high regard for keeping his promises, but Mitt Romney is just a flaky and I generally dislike everything about him. He is pretentious, big government, and will only be a puppet of the corporate-political and military-industrial complexes.

He, Santorum, and Gingrich are already in the pockets of billionaires, which should be a sign to people. Ron Paul is the only person who has credibility when it comes to doing what he says he will do. So Romney may not be better than Obama, but he damn sure isn't worse.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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