Does anyone belong to Cooking Club of America? Are you a new member? How do you like the club? Do you get the books they?

What exactly are the benefits of being a member other than the magazine they send out (which is very good so far, I am a new member). How many times have you been able to "test" products since you joined up? Asked by Lollipop_the_Bunny 54 months ago Similar questions: belong Cooking Club America member club books Food & Drink > Cooking.

Similar questions: belong Cooking Club America member club books.

Yes I was a member. I was a member for about 2 years. I filled out the forms both online, and on paper, posted by snailmail.

Unfortunately I didn't ever get anything to test. I was looking forward to doing that, but, it didn't happen (sob, LOL). I did get a couple of the books during the 2 years, and found them to be good, but they are quite basic.

I kept them because I think they would be good for my teenage daughter to learn from. So, for me, there really weren't any benefits other than the magazine and the cookbooks. I've never tried to find recipes on their website.

I did quite enjoy the magazines though, it's interesting to find out about the new products that you see advertised. I often wonder just how good they are, so it's helpful to have reviews from normal people like us who have tried them out. My membership lapsed because I forgot to renew it.

I haven't renewed it because there are other magazines and websites out there that are just as good, if not better. I find I use Taste of Home website and magazine, and VeryBestBaking. Com more than I use and used the Cooking Club.

Sources: Personal experience Late2Serenity's Recommendations Taste of Home Amazon List Price: $23.94 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 14 reviews) I use this magazine a lot.

I joined but quit almost immediately I found their recipes simplistic. I remember thinking that they used too many processed foods in their recipes and if I'm not mistaken (it's been a while), I didn't like the fact that they called for ingredients by name brand. (You know - 1 can Cambells Cream of Mushroom Soup - stuff like that).

I consider myself a very good cook - I've cooked in some fine restaraunts, and while my profession has changed, I'm just not interested in learning fast or cheap cooking. For my money, the two best cooking magazines are "Gourmet" and "Cucina Italiana".

Cooking Club of America Yes, I've been a member of Cooking Club of America for approximately 2 years. Initially, I received the books they sent but returned them. I have no interest in the books.

Most of the contents are common knowledge. In my opinion, the only purpose for purchasing them would be for display reasons. I have been sent 2 test products...garlic salt & corn snacks.

I have no issues with the test program other than wishing you could respond online instead of mailing your responses in. As for the website, I have no difficulty in searching for recipes or articles. I'm much fonder of the Food Network website.

I do enjoy the contests (Click & Win and Cook's Giveaway). I enter daily but haven't won anything as of yet. I have taken advantage of several "offers" as well.

Unfortunately, I've had to contact Customer Service several times & they have been a joy to work with. The bi-monthly magazine is nice, however, I wish it was larger with more content, recipes & articles. All-in-all I am quite pleased with the Club & will renew my membership & possibly will even become a lifetime member..

Recipes, Gifts, Testing... I have been a member since December 2006. I think the club is very useful for recipes. I love the discussion board of the club, members are ever willing to help others with recipes and suggestions and solve cooking problems.

I haven't really tested any products so far. I think to call you to test a product based on the preferences you have indicated while signing up, takes sometime. From time to time there are various discounts posted on their website for members where a special code is given for each of the products and while making a purchase one can mention the code and avail the discount.

This is available only for members. Cooking pleasures magazine is definitely another useful thing. And I remember when I signed up, I received a set of graters and pack of gourmet hot chocolate mix which was yummy..

" "where I can buy cooking gelatine" "Sam's Club now markets their paperback books, except they are about an inch taller. What's the deal? " "Have you ever taken a cooking class?

" "cooking frills" "what are the different cooking terminologies.

Sam's Club now markets their paperback books, except they are about an inch taller. What's the deal?

What are the different cooking terminologies.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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