I have these EMU Australia boots that look similar to UGGs. They are made out of genuine sheepskin, just like UGGs. They are incredibly comfortable.
Plus, they are on sale right now at 6pm. Com for $40! (regular price is $80).
By the way, the UGG comparison to these boots are $140. 6pm.com/n/p/p/7549863/c/621.html
They are also $40, but Payless always has BOGO. http://www.payless.com/Catalog/ProductDetail.aspx?&TLC=Womens&SLC=WomensBoots&BLC=WomensBootsTrendy&Width=Regular&ItemCode=60570&LotNumber=060742&Type=Adult&Popularity=71&DescriptiveColor=Tan
My girlfriend bought boots at Target that she said are exactly like Uggs, but she only paid about $30 for them. She said she's glad she didn't spring for Uggs because these are basically identical, in fact she said the Uggs she used to have were actually a little more difficult to clean. I found the page where you can see them, they are at the very bottom: target.com/b/ref=in_se_pagelist/180-0804...?ie=UTF8&node=370189011&pricerange=&index=tgt-mf-mv&field-browse=370189011&rank=pmrank&viewID=leaf&field-pricebin=&store=&rh=tgt%5F1%3AFashion%20Boots&page=2&fromBrowse=1 She purchased the Xhiliration tan and black ones (although the black ones she purchased were the shorter length..the 'Electra').
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.