Actually, that may not be the title, but it was a semi-hit in the early to mid 90's, and I think it was sung by a brother-sister duo. It's essentially about a guy that left town years ago and comes back looking for an old girlfriend(Amy), or a girl he had a crush on, or something like that. Not to be confused with "Amie" from the Pure Prairie League.
Thanks in advance. Asked by joe_vandal 60 months ago Similar questions: sang country song called Amy Entertainment > Music > Music Styles.
Similar questions: sang country song called Amy.
I think it's "Has Anyone Seen Amy" by John & Audrey Wiggins Lookin' at this town through older eyes It's grown much too fat to recognize There's a freeway up and the park's torn down There's not a soul that I know around Has anybody seen Amy In her tan bare feet on the summertime street Can her kiss still turn the winter warm Or is she just a figment of What I recall of yesterday's love Has anybody seen Amy anymore I can't see the stars through the neon lights But there's still a crowd where the boys hang out at night The songs I hear from those teenage cars Still got the beat but they've lost the heart Has anybody seen Amy In her tan bare feet on the summertime street Can her kiss still turn the winter warm Or is she just a figment of What I recall of yesterday's love Has anybody seen Amy anymore You can feel your age when you face the fact You can always go home But you can never go back Has anybody seen Amy In her tan bare feet on the summertime street Can her kiss still turn the winter warm Or is she just a figment of What I recall of yesterday's love Has anybody seen Amy anymore Sources: web search .
I hope so. :) Sources: .
Has Anybody Seen Amy by John and Audrey Wiggins Has Anybody Seen Amy (Jon Venzer/Don Henry) Lookin' at this town through older eyes It's grown much too fat to recognize There's a freeway up and the park's torn down There's not a soul that I know around Has anybody seen Amy In her tan bare feet on the summertime street Can her kiss still turn the winter warm Or is she just a figment of What I recall of yesterday's love Has anybody seen Amy anymore I can't see the stars through the neon lights But there's still a crowd where the boys hang out at night The songs I hear from those teenage cars Still got the beat but they've lost the heart Has anybody seen Amy In her tan bare feet on the summertime street Can her kiss still turn the winter warm Or is she just a figment of What I recall of yesterday's love Has anybody seen Amy anymore You can feel your age when you face the fact You can always go home But you can never go back Has anybody seen Amy In her tan bare feet on the summertime street Can her kiss still turn the winter warm Or is she just a figment of What I recall of yesterday's love Has anybody seen Amy anymore Sources:;
1 Dede, regarding your answer "I think it's "Has Anyone Seen Amy" Awesome! Many thanksjoe vandal .
Dede, regarding your answer "I think it's "Has Anyone Seen Amy" Awesome! Many thanksjoe vandal.
" "Looking for the artist's name/song title for a country music song in the 70s?" "Dolly Parton sang the song "Unlikely Angel" in the movie by the same name. I am trying to find piano sheet music. " "who wrote the country & western song Stop the Music in 1965?" "I am looking for a country music song that is Almost Persuade not sure who sings it is a male singer" "i really want to know the name of the artist who sang a song called "stacey", its a soft rock ballad from early 90s I th" "Who sang this?
This song was called "I need you" I only remember the chorus..."I need you.... you the 1 I want. " "whats the name of the country music song about aa boy killing himself.
Oldies but goodies and a song sang by who its a thing called love.
Dolly Parton sang the song "Unlikely Angel" in the movie by the same name. I am trying to find piano sheet music.
I am looking for a country music song that is Almost Persuade not sure who sings it is a male singer.
I really want to know the name of the artist who sang a song called "stacey", its a soft rock ballad from early 90s I th.
This song was called "I need you" I only remember the chorus..."I need you.... you the 1 I want.
Whats the name of the country music song about aa boy killing himself.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.