Does it bother you that people visit your hubs and don't leave comments?

It can be a bit chilling, like watching a singer get dead silence at the end of a song!

But I know that it is not always possible to give a quality comment to each and every hub. I understand that this can be because of time constraints, or because there might not be anything to say at the time.

Me too! I think I check for comments more than I check my numbers! I love hearing feedback on what I write.It's not the same as seeing your number go up or down, it's more....personal.

Ya know?

I LOVE getting comments. That said, I'm personally incredibly shy and don't leave as many comments as I really should. When I really enjoy a hub but don't really have anything to contribute, I don't leave a comment because all I could say is "that was awesome, you totally just blew my mind with the awesomeness of your hub.

However, if a hub reminds me of an anecdote, I'll go into that in the comments. In fact, I just read a hub on anosmia and I suffer from this as well so I felt compelled to share my experiences with it.

Other than that, I'm really a lurker. I'm afraid my anecdotes are rather long and annoying, so sometimes I won't share them. Then I won't have to wonder if the person totally had a snoozefest over one of my comments.

Of course, I ALWAYS uprate a good hub.

It doesn't bother me at all. The most important thing for me is that people enjoy what they read and hopefully get something out of what I've written. If they feel they want to leave a comment that is very nice, but from my point of view this is not the essential side of writing hubs.

From time to time I think about the question you just asked and would have to say yes and no. It all depends, but it is without a doubt nice to get feedback in reference to a hub that you just wrote. Sometimes I find that folks just are afraid to leave one, because they may be afraid that they will say the wrong thing.At times they usually just either rate your hub up, down, useful or even awesome.

So this can make up for the comments that may not be left. Also having additonal followers sometimes is more important than comments to my hubs. If someone follows me, or leave me a little fan mail, than I know that I have without a doubt touched that particular person through one or more of my articles.

Hope this bit of feedback helps. Take care and better health to you!

I absolutely love getting comments and knowing that I made that connection.

I love getting comments, stayingalivemoma because I lay off the DENY key and answer each comment. It's what I do. I cannot control what a reader does when it comes to reading my Hubs and responding or not responding.

But I am grateful if they can tell me why they liked what I wrote or what they didn't like about it. The one thing I will not stand for is someone correcting my spelling, grammar, typos, etc. I am responsible for my writing, and I don't call anyone on their errors. I am certainly not being paid as a copy writer or an editor.

I am not responsible for what Hubbers put out there.

Not really. I try not to worry about things that are outside of my control.

I too love to see comments. Fine if anybody is not leaving comment. We can't help it.

But at least I do comment on every single hub I read and do share my opinion. Rating my hubs also makes me happy. :-).

No it does not bother me when people do not leave comments. I don't write a letter to the editor every time I read a magazine article. I realize it is a little different here but we should not be obligated to just leave feed back.

No! Each visit is counted whether a comment is left or not.

Great question, Ms. Stayingalivemoma, but my answer depends on what kind of mood I'm in that day! I love getting comments and insights from others, especially when one of my Hubs sparks a pleasant memory for them or prompts them to tell their own story.

Sometimes I'll notice a lot of traffic but no comments, and it makes me wonder if they didn't like the Hub. However, there are some days that I'm so pressed for time all I can leave is a vote or two on another Hubber's effort, so I understand that may be the case for others as well. I try not to let it bother me if there aren't many comments, sometimes the feedback votes make up for it.

I guess it just depends on how needy I'm feeling on any given day ;).

I like comments to see what people liked or would want me to change about a hub. However, I don't comment on every hub at the risk of sounding cliche or not having much to say other than I really liked it. What I like least of all is when people remove the comments section of their hubs.

I would think someone wants to hear what people think of their writing rather than just ignore their insights.

Yes it does. If one reads a hub one should leave a feedback , positive or negative. The positive feedback gives a shot in the armm to thehubber to do better next tyime while the negative feedback lets a hubber know where he went wrong and helps him to improve.

I would request all hubbers to leave a feedback if they read a hub.

It is so nice to read other people's responses - especially when you've spent time writing a hub and posting it. But if they do not comment then that's fine too. I just like to have a little bit of feedback.

I too love getting comments. Not only do the comments serve as inspiration and encouragement but, like you said, it lets me know if what I've written has touched someone for any reason. When I was new to hubpages it would hurt my feeling if no one left a comment.

I came to realize as I read through question and answers and forums that people read for different reasons. Would I love to have lots and lots of comments---you bet I would----but I am happy that people are reading. More important I love writing and telling a story.

For all the reasons I mention above, I do try and leave a comment whenever I read someone hub...I enjoy reading what others have written and I want my comment(s) to encourage them to continue.

Well we're new to hubpages, so as of now, we are just happy people are reading what we are putting out. The comments section is a great way to connect with other people but like I said, we are all smiles knowing someone out there is taking their time to read our "opinion.

Everyone likes to receive comments on their hubs, but I don,t get overly concerned about it. When I hop Hubs, I only leave comments on those hubs that interest me. My motto is that "if you have nothing to say, don't say it".

I hate to admit it when it comes to comments I am not the best. I could try to offer excuses, however, while some me valid for me at the time they do not excuse me from my failure to post them. I usually read very early in the morning - just before leaving for work which is 4:30 AM for me, and I often think to myself that I have to write my comment when I get home... and before I know it Poof my day has gone and the comment goes unposted.

I agree that I love comments and hearing from those who read my things... good and bad. Yikes I am so selfish ... forgive me?

Well, first let me say, I don't leave that many comments. My nemesis, time, lurks with me. Like Melbel, sometimes what I would like to say would be a book, since that particular hub touched me.

I do vote. And, not knowing the fancy formulas of hubpages scoring, my concern is that I at least give feedback through that. The entitlements like - funny, interesting, etc.Help express my view too.

I wrote a hub that has no comments. I wondered why. I re-read the hub, realizing it actually had a challenge in it.It said, kinda', if you disagree leave a comment.

There are no comments. So, based on the hub score, and traffic, though limited to hubpages traffic, and no comments, I laughed aloud realizing, there is agreement. Go figure - smile.

I'm with TTombs08, It's great to get comments and I like to leave comments to hubs I visit. I like to let the hubber know that their work is appreciated.

If I don't leave comments which is rare I will vote up or hit the other buttons and share hubs.

When it does get a bit hectic sometimes and I want to reply to every ones comments too, I have to restrict myself to short comments otherwise I would never get any writing done.

If it is getting very time consuming we need to balance writing with the social side which is all part of the fun of the thing.

Yes, it does. But it will be a challenge for me to make them will comment on my next hub.

Sure, I like comments, but if someone just wants information and doesn't want to leave a comment, that's ok too.

Not really. Some people often leave a reply that covers what I would like to comment. Though I usually always comment if I vote for it or mark it as something.

This way it gives them more inspiration to keep on writing.

I make it a point to comment on every hub I read, good bad, or indifferent. Actually, I leave the good in the comments part, and email any detractions to the person confidentially, so as to not throw negatives up on his site. I'm not on here to curry favor, and actually would welcome some criticisms on my writing, so I can grow and learn.

A negative comment would do more for me than none at all, which would lead me to believe there was NO reaction...

Most commenters never read blogs. This is a sad situation and I made a joke about it here if anyone is depressed about this fact in a Hub about Common Blog Comments

My favorite kinds of comments are the ones that help me to be a better writer. I don't take anything personal and really appreciate it when another writer takes the time to read my ramblings and care enough to offer hints or advice. I understand that many people are busy with "life" stuff and don't always have time to leave a comment.

I'm just thrilled that someone took a few moments out of their day to spend it on me! What an honor!

Not really..but it is better if they leave comments..sometimes I do that also, i'm visiting or reading a hub but i'm not leaving comments so I guess it's just fair.

I don't leave comments to every hub I read, so I don't expect the same with other hubbers reading my hubs.

The reason, why I don't comment every hub, is that sometimes I just don't know how to write down my thoughts.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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