Similar questions: Nintendo's Game Boy Avance games fit Nintendo DS lite.
Yes they do! Yes, GBA games are compatible with the DS Lite. The Nintendo site confirms this: Backward Compatibility Nintendo DS Lite features a separate media port for Game Boy Advance cartridges, allowing you to play all your favorite Game Boy Advance games in single-player mode.
I'm pretty certain that the cartridge port will not fit an original GB or Game Boy Color game; the Advance is fine, though. Hope this helps! Sources: .
Yes According to Nintendo. Com’s overview of the system, yes. Here is what they have to say: Backward Compatibility Nintendo DS Lite features a separate media port for Game Boy Advance cartridges, allowing you to play all your favorite Game Boy Advance games in single-player mode.(link) Hope that clears things up.
Sources: Nintendo. Com .
Yes... my girls have had the ds lite since Christmas and I just figured it out a couple of weeks ago. It has a plastic piece that pulls out on the backside of the ds lite and the gameboy advance games fit in.
Yes, but the game sticks out a little I have used Gameboy Advance cartridges in my DS Lite. They work just fine, but since the DS Lite is small, the GBA games are a little too long and they stick out a little bit. From Wikipedia:The decrease in volume of the system has resulted in Game Boy Advance games to protrude out of the system by 1cm.
You can see in this image:
The Nintendo DS Lite is able to play Game Boy Advance games. Unlike the original DS, though, the Game Boy Advance game sticks out of the DS Lite by about a centimeter. This is because the DS Lite is smaller than the DS.
If you're thinking about buying a DS, I would recommend getting a DS Lite, because they are smaller and look a lot better. Sources: My knowledge, my opinion Drummer4Life's Recommendations Nintendo DS Lite Onyx Black Amazon List Price: $129.99 Used from: $124.95 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 506 reviews) .
Thanks! " "What are your favorite Nintendo DS games for adults? " "For those of you with a Nintendo DS Lite, what are you favorite games?
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