I am basing my decision on his career statistics in the NHL and not on one goal he scored in 1972 at the Summit Series to defeat Russia. That was a great moment for Team Canada and for Henderson but that alone does not make him deserve to be in the Hockey Hall of Fame | Hall of Fame, in my opinion. S career NHL stats are as follows.
Henderson played in 707 career games, scored 477 points on 236 goals and 241 assists. He played from 1962 to 1980 for the Detroit Red Wings, Toronto Maple Leafs and Calgary Flames. As a left winger, those statistics are nowhere close to Hall of Fame caliber.
He might have had a long, good NHL career with that one defining moment, but Henderson is certainly not a Hall of Famer.
With due respect to Paul Henderson, I think he should not be enshrined to the Hall of Fame and be on the same league with the likes of Wayne Gretzky and Mario Lemieux who made great contributions to the popularity of the sports and the same time obtained lofty achievements as ice hockey players. The goal he scored against the Russians that lifted the Canadian team was indeed big and he could’ve sealed a place in the Hall of Fame if he also has lofty resume to boot. If case he is inducted to the Hall of Fame, the organizers that is based in Canada, will surely received howls, complains and even protests from ice hockey fans and aficionados all over the world since Henderson hails from Canada, and they maybe branded as bias.
The Hall of Fame is a special place for people with remarkable achievements and contributions to the sports. If Henderson will be elected all of the other nation’s players who give them a lift in the finals should’ve been inducted. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWwN9kHnsKI.
Paul Henderson's puck belongs in the Hall of Fame. Paul Henderson belongs in the Canadian Sports Hall of Fame based on the cultural importance of his goal. And if he were to ever get inducted to the Hockey Fall of Fame (which few people would protest or question) it would be based on the importance of one of the most significant goals in hockey history.As the Canadian Sports Hall of Fame says.
"It was the most important goal in hockey history, and from that day to this and forever it made Henderson a hero of untold proportion. He returned to the NHL and had two decent seasons with the Leafs before moving on to the WHA. Although his NHL totals are excellent, indeed-707 games, 236 goals—it was his play in that month of September '72 that made him the player history now records as being so great.
No one before or since has scored more timely and important goals for a nation. " http://www.sportshall.ca/accessible/hm_profile.php?i=291.
They’re all in the Hockey Hall of Fame and Paul Henderson is not. Not to take anything away from Moose, Phat and Duke (sounds like a Mimico High reunion) — who are hockey legends for various reasons (and in some cases war heros) and probably deserve to be in the Hall — but are their accomplishments on the ice any more exceptional than Henderson’s? The argument against Henderson gaining entrance into the Hall has long been that he was basically a one-trick pony.
The Kincardine, Ont. , native scored the winning goals in the last three games of the 1972 Summit Series for Canada against the Soviet Union, including the Goal of the Century in Game 8.
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