Does PHP supports MVP pattern?

MVP and MVC both are actually meant for GUI apps. Most PHP frameworks use the "MVC" as buzzword The actual implementation with dumb models (just database), non-active views (= templates) and fat controllers actually matches MVP already. And functionality-wise controllers often function as presenters anyway, shoveling data from models into views (only in proper MVC the view and model should interact more) But anyway, there are a few frameworks which are actually aware of the newer terminology and pattern says so, but I haven't actually looked at that Nette framework I think and Opendelight resembles Model-Pipe-ViewController Or have a look at those that aren't listed with UnshapedMVC or PassiveMVC are worth checking out.

MVP and MVC both are actually meant for GUI apps. Most PHP frameworks use the "MVC" as buzzword. The actual implementation with dumb models (just database), non-active views (= templates) and fat controllers actually matches MVP already.

And functionality-wise controllers often function as presenters anyway, shoveling data from models into views (only in proper MVC the view and model should interact more). But anyway, there are a few frameworks which are actually aware of the newer terminology and pattern. says so, but I haven't actually looked at that Nette framework I think and Opendelight resembles Model-Pipe-ViewController Or have a look at - those that aren't listed with UnshapedMVC or PassiveMVC are worth checking out.

In my opinion, Lion Framework ( is the most mature implementation of MVP nowadays.

MVP and MVC both are actually meant for GUI apps. Most PHP frameworks use the "MVC" as buzzword. The actual implementation with dumb models (just database), non-active views (= templates) and fat controllers actually matches MVP already.

And functionality-wise controllers often function as presenters anyway, shoveling data from models into views (only in proper MVC the view and model should interact more). But anyway, there are a few frameworks which are actually aware of the newer terminology and pattern. Or have a look at - those that aren't listed with UnshapedMVC or PassiveMVC are worth checking out.

MVP and MVC both are actually meant for GUI apps. Most PHP frameworks use the "MVC" as buzzword . The actual implementation with dumb models (just database), non-active views (= templates) and fat controllers actually matches MVP already.

And functionality-wise controllers often function as presenters anyway, shoveling data from models into views (only in proper MVC the view and model should interact more).

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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