I think it would be a mistake for the GOP to nominate Romney That's right - a mistake. To nominate someone who has hundreds of millions of dollars from predatory capitalism, right after the Wall Street Bailouts. It feeds right into Obama's hands to manipulate the 99% theme which will solidify Democrats and win over the Independents.
It's as if the Republicans don't understand the frustration and resentment that society will generate against the super-rich during such an election as Romney vs. Obama. This is a theme that the Democrats have been designing for years. They anticipated a Romney nomination - and the only way Romney will be able to appeal to the center is to make a case for war against Iran hoping to gain some Jewish votes who normally vote Democrat.
But this will only give Obama a chance to shine with grace over his Nobel Peace Prize. I predict that Obama will adopt a similar foreign policy that had been proposed by Ron Paul. Because the Democrats love Ron Paul for his foreign policy, but fear his economic conservatism.
But instead of fiscal conservatism, what we will see from Obama's next term is a mandate to use military spending on more social programs, green investment, and more union boosting - thanks to the theme of The People vs. The Fat Cats. The Republicans are about to hand Obama a second term by nominating Romney. But more than that, his nomination will destroy their establishment - house and senate seats - and lose any chance for the 2016 elections in the process.
I think we're about to see a repeat of 2008, only in the opposite direction. You know, when you could have run a wet sock against the Republicans and won thanks to actually/technically running against Bush! Now Obama is the dreaded Bush of 2011, as people really don't like the job he's doing.
Romney...wet sock...same difference. He'll still win!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.