Does using windows to open my digital camera files instead of installing camera software bad for the camera?

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It's fine I prefer to do it this way, too, using windows or other software like Paint Shop Pro to open my photos. The software that comes with cameras is kind of redundant if you use Photoshop or Paintshop, and isn't really needed. You computer and camera won't know that you are using the other software, so they won't care and won't be affected by the "foreign" programs.

Have fun taking photos! It's a great hobby and is HUGE right now! *Poppet*'s Recommendations Sony Alpha A100H 10.2MP Digital SLR Camera Kit with 18-200mm f3.5-6.3 Lens Amazon List Price: $1,099.95 Used from: $724.95 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 103 reviews) My camera--I love it!


Absolutely not. You will not hurt the camera using windows to open the picture. Most camera software is pretty much garbage.

You are far better off with a third party software like: Paint Shop Pro... ChicagoTRS's Recommendations The Digital Photography Book Amazon List Price: $19.99 Used from: $11.94 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 340 reviews) .

Nope Digital files are digital files. And software is software. It doesn't matter what program you use to open a file and, once a picture has been transferred from the camera to the computer, nothing you do on the computer will have any effect on the camera.

As a practical matter, once you have downloaded the file to the computer (AND backed it up! ) you should format the memory card in the camera anyway. As far as the actual downloading goes, there are a zillion ways to transfer the files.

You can use the built in Windows File Transfer, the software that came with your camera, a third party program (like Photoshop) or just copy the files directly from the card using a card reader and Explorer (which is what I do).

Not at all. Memory card read is a read no matter where it comes from.

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No laptops please. Thank you!

I cannot open any files from my desktop using IE8, windows 7, 64 bit. Error message "do you want to run or save this fi.

Afte installing Winamp, I can't open my videos by Windows Media Player anymore. Need help in using both programs.

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