Drupal: I am looking for a step by step (walk through) on how to step up Organic Groups in Drupal 5.9?

I only found one video on organic groups - although it seems like it is in different video formats and the notes of the author - see way below. I am not a Programming|programmer, but tried to do some web searching thinking it would be obvious. I found it difficult to find information and basic instructions.

There were many snippets of info that may help with problems but I did not find one place with a comprehensive step by step instruction. They did mention in one case that there is a txt file that comes with the download that could help with some issues so that may be your best bet? Organic Groups modules drupal.org/node/206712 Sites group must be saved once drupal.org/node/133643 "there is an upgrade.

Txt file in the 5.9 download that you can follow as well. " drupal.org/node/289294 Upgrading from previous modules drupal.org/upgrade/ Getting Started Drupal resources http://drupal.org/getting-started Drupal Magic Groups Screencast This is a screencast of the Drupal Organic Groups module 9:16 - Mar 30, 2006 CivicSpace - zacker.org http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=4655609694037397626&ei=bhuZSab5K6GG_AHUsbz-DA&q=drupal+5.9+organic+groups&hl=en OR Download the . Mov from here OR View it at YouTube|youtube.com it seems to run better than the first one http://www.

Youtube.com/watch? V=Vf7Sv8-Yh7E OR here is the drupal.org/node/2067120 website where they talk about the lack of Organic Groups help drupal.org/node/2067121 and yet more links to I think the same video PLUS HIS NOTES AND COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE; Video: http://www. Zacker.org/files/drupal_og_og2list.

Mov Notes: drupal.org/node/2067120 The very last entry on the Organic Groups website was someone who followed a guide to creating organic groups, he used 5.10 step by step but it did not work and they don't explain why to the how to page where they don't tell you what version: drupal.org/node/2067121 Here is someone who upgraded Drupal and groups no longer works, with no solution given: http://drupal.org/node/325510 Here they are saying that Organic Groups software does not have needed features programmed yet, as they don't know which way to implement hierarchies as of this date and posting: Subgroups for Organic Groups Rewrite http://drupal.org/node/237980 Subgroups for Organic Groups Rewrite http://groups.drupal.org/node/10070 No answer to the question can you export organic groups: http://drupal.org/node/120108 Organic Groups Translation http://drupal.org/project/og_translate Organic Groups Blueprints (alpha version of software they warn you) drupal.org/node/1336430 Organic Groups: Modules drupal.org/node/1336431 Porting Porting Drupal Modules VIDEO "This video demonstrates how anyone with basic copy/paste/modify PHP skills can help port Drupal modules. Topics covered include: How to tell the module portage status of your Drupal site with the Upgrade Status module. How to perform basic community research to determine the actual porting status of your modules.

Overview of the amazing Coder module and how to configure it. Where to find more information about changes between Drupal versions. How to use Coder module to convert a simple module from Drupal 5 to Drupal 6, step by step.

How to test to ensure the porting status was a success." drupal.org/node/1336432 Organic groups module (troubleshooting groups) drupal.org/node/1336430 Drupal Podcast No. 50: 50 Drupal Tips and Tricks drupal.org/node/1336431.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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