Of those three, and they are all very good, I have to go with Kevin Durant. The kid came out and had a fantastic rookie season, and has only continued to improve. The fact that Durant put up 30 points a game this season is just sick when you think about the number of forwards that ever reach that level of scoring.
S other numbers have also taken climbs up every year he has played in the league. While it seems unlikely that his scoring average will increase another five points like it has the last few years, his rebounds, blocked shots, and assists can all be improved upon, and he seems like he has the ability to do that. While he isn’t a dead eye, he can also hit a shot from beyond the three point arc and he’s even very good at the free throw line.
He is the next generation of superstar in the NBA and while Howard and Okafor are very good, they are not on Durant’s level.
Dwight Howard is the best center in the National Basketball Association | NBA and at age 24, is just going to get better, barring any injuries. Let's compare statistics between Howard, Kevin Durant and Emeka Okafor. In 2010, Dwight Howard averaged 18 points, 13 rebounds and 3 blocked shots per game while shooting over 61% from the floor.
Kevin Durant plays forward and has a different game than Howard. He's more of a scorer at 30.1 points per game, but takes a lot more shots as well. 6 rebounds per game.As a pure scorer he is better, but he doesn't have the overall game that Howard has.
For Emeka Okafor, although he had a solid season, doesn't compare in statistics and overall impact of a game as Howard does. Okafor averaged 10 points, 9 rebounds and 1.6 blocked shots per game. He shot 53% from the floor.
If I had to pick one of those players to build my team around, it would be Howard. The man in the middle is one of the most vital aspects to a solid team, as well as the point guard position.
Really sorry to disagree with you, but I guess that's what makes this so good. Dwight Howard is good, but not the complete center in the NBA | National Basketball Association. He can be neutralized as done many times by the Detroit Pistons as evidenced by the Magic’s record against the Pistons.
He lacks the ability to get his own shot and also has extremely limited range. In a close game his less than average free throw ability can hurt his team. Emeka Okafor in my opinion does not belong in this discussion.
He is a good defender and adequate scorer in the role he has been given, but not a player you would or could build a team around. Kevin Durant by 2012 will be the premier player in the NBA. Not only can he score, but he adds a good number of rebounds and when called upon can play defense.
He has the ability to get and make his own shot and can score from down low as well as out on the perimeter and beyond. If you compare his value to his team and then that of Howard's to his. It easy to see the impact Durant has had on a doormat team that this year made the playoffs.
I have yet to see anyone consistently shut down Durant. Howard can be shut down by shutting down the Magic point guard. He just does not have the ability to make his own shot, as is the case with many big men.
Durant's star will shine the brightest and the longest. Durant, 21, became the youngest player in NBA history to win the scoring title after averaging 30.1 points this season. The third-year forward out of Texas was named an All-Star for the first time and averaged a career-high in rebounds (7.6), assists (2.8), steals (1.4) and blocked shots (1.0).
He also finished 2nd to LeBron james in MVP voting.
Dwight Howard is good, but not the complete center in the NBA | National Basketball Association. He can be neutralized as done many times by the Detroit Pistons as evidenced by the Magic’s record against the Pistons. He lacks the ability to get his own shot and also has extremely limited range.
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