Just enrich the event with all the necessary information.
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Assuming Stack Overflow domain problem and the following definition of events: UserRegistered(UserId, Name, Email) UserNameChanged(UserId, Name) QuestionAsked(UserId, QuestionId, Title, Question) Assuming the following state of event store (in the order of appearance): 1) UserRegistered(1, "John", "[email protected]") 2) UserNameChanged(1, "SuperJohn") 3) UserNameChanged(1, "John007") 4) QuestionAsked(1, 1, "Help! ", "Please! ") Assuming the following denormalized read model for questions listing (for the first page of SO): QuestionItem(UserId, QuestionId, QuestionTitle, Question, UserName) And the following event handler (which builds denormalized read model): public class QuestionEventsHandler { public void Handle(QuestionAsked question) { var item = new QuestionItem( question.
UserId, question. QuestionId, question. Title, question.
Question,? /* how should I get name of the user? */); ... } } My question is how can I find the name of the user who asked a question?
Or more common: how should I handle events if my denormalized read model requires additional data which is not exists in the particular event? I've examined existing samples of CQRS including SimpleSQRS of Greg Young and Fohjin sample of Mark Nijhof. But it seems to me that they are operate only with data that is included in events.
Domain-driven-design cqrs event-sourcing link|improve this question edited Nov 1 '10 at 12:08 asked Oct 31 '10 at 16:58Dmitry Schetnikovich486212 82% accept rate.
More discussion at: groups.google.com/group/dddcqrs/browse_t... – Brian Jun 16 '11 at 19:02.
Just enrich the event with all the necessary information. Greg's approach, as I recall, - enrich the event while creating and store/publish it this way.
Thanks Rinat! I will go with your suggestion, but do you really agree that this is a good solution to enrich domain events with data that is needed only for read model? – Dmitry Schetnikovich Nov 4 '10 at 19:18 Yes.
There are no big drawbacks that I can see. Besides, storage is cheap these days and enriched domain events help to analyze your system later as well. For example, I often put a lot of performance stats in operations that stress IO or CPU; this info is not even used in read models.
But I need to optimize performance I can query domain log with LINQ for the history of operations and exact performance details. – Rinat Abdullin Nov 5 '10 at 10:30 One drawback would be that you aren't necessarily in a position to change the event producer. Another that the event will become bloated with incoherent data as time goes by and more and more event handlers wanting their specific piece of information gets added to the system.
Whats the drawbacks of letting the event handler query the read model for the extra information? – Sebastian Ganslandt Jun 19 '11 at 13:58 1 This answer suggests that all data needed should be in the event. I disagree with this as a rule of thumb.
Event handlers will be creating a de-normalised record, often containing aggregated & calculated fields that aren't necessarily sourced from a single aggregate. Perhaps a 'NumberOfQuestionsByMonth' view model as an example. This is the point of CQRS; it does these calculations when something is persisted, rather than when queried.
To do these calculations you often need to query and process the data. This data is outside of the scope of the aggregate, and cannot be passed in the event. – David Masters Feb 6 at 15:06.
Personally I think there's nothing wrong with looking up the user's name from within the event handler. But if you're in a position where you can't query the name from the User's read model then I'd introduce an additional event handler to QuestionEventsHandler, to handle the UserRegistered event. That way the QuestionEventsHandler could maintain its own repository of user names (you wouldn't need to store the users email).
The QuestionAsked handler can then query the user's name direct from it's own repository (as Rinat Abdullin said storage is cheap! ). Besides since your QuestionItem read model holds the user's name, you would need to handle the UserNameChanged event within the QuestionEventsHandler as well to ensure the name field within the QuestionItem is up-to-date.
To me this seems less effort than 'enriching the events' and has the benefit of not building dependencies on other parts of the system and their read models.
Pull events from the EventStore. Remember - Your read models need to have read-only access to the EventStore already. Read Models are disposable.
They are simply cached views. You should be able to delete / expire your Read Models at any time - and automatically rebuild your ReadModels from the EventStore. So - your ReadModelBuilders must already be able to query for past events.
Public class QuestionEventsHandler { public void Handle(QuestionAsked question) { // Get Name of User var nameChangedEvent = eventRepository. GetLastEventByAggregateId(question. UserId); var item = new QuestionItem( question.
UserId, question. QuestionId, question. Title, question.
Question, nameChangedEvent. Name } } Also realize - the EventStore repository need not be the true EventStore, although it certainly could be. The advantage of distributed systems is that you can easily replicate the EventStore, if you needed, closer to your ReadModels.
I encountered this exact same scenario... where I needed more data than was available in a single event. This is especially true for Create-type events which require populating a new ReadModel with initial state. From Read Models: You could pull from other Read Models.
But I really don't recommend this, as you would introduce a big ball of dependency mud where views depend on views depend on views. Additional Data in Events: You really don't want to bloat your events with all the extra data you'll need for views. It will really hurt you when your domain changes & you need to migrate events.
Domain Events have specific purposes - they represent state changes. Not view data. Hope this helps - Ryan.
1 This assumes you have access to the event repository, in my mind the handlers should only received events rather than pull events. Would this work in a highly distributed system? – mouters Feb 6 at 14:09 "Your read models need to have read-only access to the EventStore".
That's news to me. I see no reason why the read side needs to have access to the event store. It simply needs to be alerted when an event occurs.
I personally don't have a problem with querying out the username from the read side, given the handler exists on the read side anyway. – David Masters Feb 6 at 14:45.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.