Should be there, long as I'm not totally wiped after shoveling slush and snow.
Just to let you all know, Gno will not be attending todays entertainment, I have therefore been volunteered (under duress I will add) to take notes so that all those not attending will be catered for. OMG what have I let myself in for? I am the "guest re-capper" (oh dear, sounds too much like the grim reaper!)
If I don't get tied up on a Mahalo project and forget, I'll be there. I need to learn all I can, and swag is good.
Yahoo! ~~~> This Week in Mahalo has arrived again! Here Is The Countdown Timer See y'all there.
Wooo Hooo! Let's gooooo! Can't wait on this one!
I await with bated breath! I wonder what the record is for how long one of these sessions lasts? Anyone been counting?
Awesome, need something to do. In the middle of a blizzard here in NJ. Will staff provide coffee for those of us on the east coast buried in snowstorms?
I won't be able to make it this week... darned customers. I might try to .
Sorry I missed this one, I was visiting my daughter and the grand kids and did not make it back in time.
If you've never been to This Week in Mahalo, make today the day. As buddawiggi said, everybody learns something, old and new mahaloins alike. What other web 2.0 company lets you have a weekly Q&A with such influential employees?
Be there, or, um, just be there.
Cool. Lon returns to reclaim his throne. And the earlier time is good too...
Wow! I won't miss this week's tutorial. :) I thought we won't have tutorials and I was a bit busy at work that I haven't checked back.
Btw, welcome back @Lon! ^^ See y'all later! :) PS.
I wonder when I'll be lucky to win in Mahalo Swag. :).
WOOO HOOOO! @Lon is back! Can't wait for this one!
I have a great feeling about the draw! :D Thanks for the countdown B-MAN! :D Vlad.
Dang! Shucks! Darn it!
Etc! I won't be able to make it this week, either (two weeks in a row). (Some people might actually be glad to read this.
;-O ) But, it really is a great feature and a great time - I urge those who haven't sat in to make this the week!
I'll be there, even though I have a bad stiff neck now, lol. I'll sit through the pain for Mahalo! (That should be on a t-shirt.). Here is the Countdown Timer! I will be there and I hope to see everyone else there too! There is a lot to be learned at these tutorials and everyone from Mahalo newbies to Mahalo Veterans can learn something here at This Week In Mahalo.. even if you know everything there is to know about Mahalo there is always the fun and entertainment of the Mahalo chat room.
Lol if I remember and the little ones are napping I will be here.. so much info I really do not want to miss it.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.