For those that have DVRs, Tivo, and like products. Do you find that you have quit watching live television?

For those that have DVRs, Tivo, and like products. Do you find that you have quit watching live television? I rarely watch live television now that I have a DVR.

I just love programming in my favorite shows and letting the DVR do the rest. I don't miss the commercials that I fast forward, and there is always something that I want to watch just sitting there waiting for me. How about you?

Asked by Lady_Wolf_is_Lost 47 months ago Similar questions: DVRs Tivo products find quit watching live television Entertainment > Television.

Similar questions: DVRs Tivo products find quit watching live television.

Well where do I start............... I am a TV junkie! See my profile. We own a DVR and TiVo.

I can and do (sometimes) tape up to 3 shows an hour. I will never go back to live. Friends and family love me, cause I usually have what they have missed.

But by far the best part is my kids never watch commercials at all. The minute they were old enough I taught them to fast forward. I love that you can watch your favorite show any time of the day!

Even if we are watching something around the time it airs, I will pause it, long enough so I can fast forward the commercials. I love that you can pause to get more ice cream too! :) Mugsie!

™'s Recommendations TiVo TCD649080 Series2 80-Hour Dual-Tuner Digital Video Recorder Amazon List Price: $249.99 Used from: $94.94 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 89 reviews) How to Do Everything with Your TiVo (How to Do Everything) Amazon List Price: $24.99 Used from: $4.70 Average Customer Rating: 3.0 out of 5 (based on 4 reviews) .

Oh yes. You should hear my wife complain if she has to watch something with commercials in it that we can't skip over! When our DirecTivo crapped out, she underwent acute withdrawal symptoms until the replacement came in.It was truly pathetic to witness.

I honestly don't know how we could live without it anymore.

I hardly ever watch llive tv nowadays... Tivo is my best friend....I love the fact that I can forward through commercials, and that I can just watch anything I choose to watch at any time. I can't even think about how many times I couldn't sleep at night-whether it was due to me or to one of my children being sick or just awake-and I could just sit there watching 5 episodes in a row of Family Guy, or Judge Judy-or that "really good movie on lifetime" that my friends have been talking about that I never could have watched if I had to be home at the time it aired....

Actually Well, the only time I really use it is when there are two shows I want to watch that are on at the same time. Otherwise I like to see my favorite shows ASAP. :) .

1 I can't stand to watch live TV. At the first Commercial Break I instinctivly reach for the Remote to Fast Forward. Its extremly frustrating, and distracting from the content.

I can't stand to watch live TV. At the first Commercial Break I instinctivly reach for the Remote to Fast Forward. Its extremly frustrating, and distracting from the content.

I have stopped watching television news during the day...

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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