Can't format scsi IBM drive 18 Gb you have formatted the scsi drive with built-in application in Adaptec scsi card but now it is dead the card can detect it but can't format it even fdisk?

I would recommend making sure that if you have your sczi controller's RAID enabled that you disable it in the BIOS and then run a format. I had 5 IBM drives exhibiting the same symptoms as yours(they were 73gb though). Once the controller was set to sczi(not RAID) I could format the disk in in the scziselect utility thingy :P Check your cable, (Inspect every inch for any damage) Try and swap with known good cable.

Try disableing in the SCSI Bios (CRTL-A) Features for the drive. If Fdisk is finding it, but unable to format it, most likely it's dead. IF Fdisk is not finding it.

Check the System CMOS F1, F2, DEL, or INS. And make sure that SCSI is enabled, (Some systems disable it on failure as a failsafe) ================ Fdisk and the Adaptec format utility do very different things, and it is reasonable that you can have the situation you describe. My guess is that the IBM disk is an OEM drive that had non-default mode page settings that required the disk to be formatted to something other than 512 bytes/sector; or that you got tired of waiting for the adaptec utility to finish and you recycled power before the Adaptec utility finished.

You need to understand that fdisk and the adaptec utility do very different things, and fdisk requires disk to be configured a certain way for windows (or DOS) compatibility. Solution - run the adaptec utility again. If disk is in degraded mode (i.e.

, the format never finished, then the utility will fix this problem for you once it completes). If fdisk still does not recognize your disk, you need some software to check out mode page settings and look at the blocking and such to make sure disk is set to 512 bytes/sector. You can look at something like santool's smart disk monitor software or smartmon-ux to correct things; reformat, or whatever. has some info on it.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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