Frank sinatra's latest album, Las Vegas storical performances in Las Vegas Casinos Asked by newbie276526 60 months ago Similar questions: Frank sinatra's latest album Las Vegas Entertainment > Movies.
Similar questions: Frank sinatra's latest album Las Vegas.
Sinatra: Vegas (Box Set, 4CD/1DVD) BOX SET LIVE advanced search | browse styles | classical | top sellers | new & future releases | music you should hear | blowout music | free downloads Search Amazon. Com Music - Artist Name - Album Title - Song Title Classical Music Free Music Downloads Used Music . Gc-popover-tiny { font-size: 10px; font-family: verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif; } .
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Sinatra: Vegas (Box Set, 4CD/1DVD) BOX SET LIVE $59.99/free shipping Sinatra: Vegas (Box Set, 4CD/1DVD) BOX SET LIVEFrank Sinatra (Artist)(12 customer reviews) List Price: $79.98Price: $59.99 & this item ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping. You Save: $19.99 (25%)Availability: In Stock. To ensure delivery by December 22, choose FREE Super Saver Shipping.. Ships from and sold by
Gift-wrap available. Want it delivered Monday, December 18? Order it in the next 4 hours and 46 minutes, and choose One-Day Shipping at checkout.
Product Details * Audio CD (November 7, 2006) * Original Release Date: November 7, 2006 * Number of Discs: 5 * Format: Box set, Live * Note on Boxed Sets: During shipping, discs in boxed sets occasionally become dislodged without damage. Please examine and play these discs. If you are not completely satisfied, we'll refund or replace your purchase.
* Label: Reprise * ASIN: B000GIWS6A * Average Customer Review: based on 12 reviews.(Write a review. ) * Amazon. Com Sales Rank: #41 in Music (See Top Sellers in Music)(sampling of songs--not complete)Disc: 1 1.
Introduction/Announcement 2. The One I Love Belongs To Someone Else 3. Don't Cry Joe 4.
Imagination 5. Moonlight In Vermont Disc: 2 1. Introduction 2.
Come Fly With Me 3. I've Got A Crush On You 4. I've Got You Under My Skin 5.
The September Of My Years Disc: 3 1. Get Me To The Church On Time 2. I Get A Kick Out Of You 3.
I Can't Get Started 4. Without A Song 5. No Crying Disc: 4 1.
I've Got The World On A String 2. At Long Last Love 3. Witchcraft 4.
The Gal That Go Away / It Never Entered My Mind 5. For Once In My Life Amazon. ComMobster Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel may have laid the physical cornerstones of Las Vegas, but it was Francis Albert Sinatra who gave Sin City its swinging musical soul.
Spanning a quarter century, this four-CD-plus-bonus-DVD collection of previously unreleased recordings captures spirited Sinatra shows at the Sands, Caesar's, and Golden Nugget--performances that initially underscore the salutary effect the desert playground had on the singer's muse, then warmly chronicle the autumn years of a triumphant career. A pair of '60s gigs at the Sands (of which Sinatra was part owner) capture an artist still building on his musical legacy in the midst of rock's rising fortunes. The 1961 show turns on the riches of his Capitol years, a musically straightforward set that balances the singer's interpretations of reflective material like "Moonlight in Vermont" and "In the Still of the Night" with upbeat, typically playful renditions of such Sinatra signatures as "Young at Heart," "The Lady Is a Tramp," and "Witchcraft."But it's the '66 performance that may be the most intriguing for Sinatraphiles: A live workout with Count Basie and his orchestra that eschews the singer's mid-decade comeback hits--and even material from the recent Sinatra-Basie collaboration--in favor of a sassy set that's less summit meeting than swinging soirée, a freewheeling highlight reel from his back catalog that finds singer and band engaging each other with playful, often dizzy abandon.
The anthology's '82 and '87 sets from Caesar's and the Golden Nugget, respectively, aren't nearly as musically challenging, showcasing a vocalist and still-boisterous crowd-pleaser who might have stopped breaking musical ground, yet never ceased reveling in the glories--and laughs--he could still bring to the moment. Rat Pack partner in crime Dean Martin stops by Caesar's for some good-natured razzing, while daughter Nancy guests on the set's lovably ditzy take on "Somethin' Stupid." The bonus DVD captures another unreleased rarity, an entire 9.997 Caesar's gig taped by CBS during a period when the singer had largely retreated from the spotlight.
While his voice sometimes betrays the ravages of time on these later performances, Sinatra's mercurial humor and indomitable spirit simply spirit won't be denied. --Jerry McCulleyProduct DescriptionA 4CD/1DVD boxed set of unforgettable live performances, all previously unreleased! Disc 1 - Recorded at the Sands, Las Vegas, NV 9.999; Disc 2 - Recorded at the Sands, Las Vegas, NV January-February 1966; Disc 3 - Recorded at Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, NV March 1982; Disc 4 - Recorded at the Golden Nugget, Las Vegas, NV April 1987; DVD - Recorded at Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, NV 9.997 Sources: .
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