Given linguistic theories of how Old English changed into Modern English, what should English sound like 1,000 years from now?

The problem with linguistic theories of historical language change is that they apply before there was widespread recording and easy communication over long distances. A growing number of "recorded language" courses are becoming available, and if this trend continues, then language change as we have seen it in the past will cease. There will still be new words and terms being added and old ones falling away, but the spoken sounds will probably much the same as today 1,000 years from now.

In 1000 years the English language will be extremely simplified. The accepted language for communicating via text or chat will eventually become modern English circa the year 3010. And probably much sooner.

I predict that by the end of this century people will be saying things like lol not L-O-L but the phonetic pronunciation of the commonly used acronyms, such as Roffle (R-O-F-L) and the like. There will be shortening of words and phrases language should reflect the actual phonetic spelling of how we actually say words to make communication more clear and efficient such as "I am going to do that" "ahm gonna doodat" English is much to complicated to be at the final stages of perfection, it will need to do some serious evolving if it is to become the world language. All of the silly rules will be gone, such as Rough and Tough will become "ruf" and "tuf" the word "and" will simply be "n" contractions will become the normal spelling without the apostrophe "dont" "cant" etc.It will be a language with minimal bit depth, with writing taking place in a totally digital world we will be using shorthand to conserve digital space.

It will be a language of phonetic simplicity combined with using the least amount of letters possible. Unneccesary vowels will be eliminated, why overstate the obvious? Also the Ph sound will most certainly be the first to go.

If we were to spell "phonetic" correctly in 3010 it would be "fnhtk". The texting culture is already finding out the most efficient way to communicate and still have people understand you, this just goes to show how inefficent the English language is when you have 12 year olds rewriting it for ease of use.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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