you like the the boobs or the butt better?

Boobies! I like to suck dem boobies! Om nom nom nom nom!


I like big, natural boobs. No fake ones. I also like pretty eyes and cute toes.

A women who shows cleavage and has cute feet is the ultimate girl!

Boobs everybody has their own butt so its not as impressive.

I like BIG BUTTS and I cannot lie, you otha brotha's can't deny!

BUTT! And boobs.... EDIT: if we put a little bit more brain in Kim Kardashian's head she would be a nice lady.

Sweet cheeks and jugs of milk are my candy.

WELL A'......I'll be plain Honest..... They're both good + useful 'toys' ooooo ~~~~ :))))))) look at my grin here......LOL Now...Don't U start twisting my arm to ask me to choose 1 only.....LOL IF...U do that.....then....I've no choice but to choose the boobs.... Ain't they something....just to look at ~~~ HAHAHA....LOL CHEERS & Season Greetings To U :) Now....I'm gonna be a real good boy & float on ~~~ * (float on).

Depends on the girl, i'd take either I think the face matters more than both.

Damn, what a tough question! I'm going to go with butt...that's what I'm looking at when I'm hitting it from behind lol.

Butt. Nothing better than a nice big romp on a girl that you can slap.

I like to smash peoples' faces with mini sledge hammers repeatedly and gouge their eyeballs out with screwdrivers.

Their 'Wenises' are so erotic. ... that gets my 'funny bone' going. LOL EDIT: wow, look at all the prudish people that are thumbing down everyone..... can I please get a thumbs up for sexy "Wenieses' (google if you don't know what that is).

EDIT: fine then.... I thumbed you all down too.

But really I would say they are equally appealing to me. But it depends on the girl I guess.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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