That depend entirely on what you consider cowardice and what you consider bravado. Some consider bravado standing up for honor and being considerate of others, however truth be told sometime it is simply stupidity masquerading as bravado. And sometimes bravado is not necessary, it is simply better to walk away and if that is cowardice then it is more acceptable.
I have seen many situation where men need to show how brave that they are only to end up in the grave. There are a lot of dead brave men who were not actually brave but stupid, and there are a lot of very smart men who walked away from confrontation and lived to fight another day, in another way.
I have to admit, I'm rather surprised at how Americans have reacted to 9/11. They lash out at strangers without knowing anything about them beyond bigoted generalizations. That kind of xenophobia has always been a latent habit among Americans (and really, pretty much anybody) but it seems to have gone mainstream.
Americans have become quite tolerant of having their rights violated in the interest of what they hope will bring them safety. It's obvious to everybody in the long line at the airport that the security measures are doing them absolutely no good: anybody intent on causing harm will circumvent them. But the authorities are desperate to be seen as doing something, anything, because Americans are so afraid.
Americans have shown themselves quite willing to send others into battle, on flimsy pretexts. They call it "taking the war to them", which means causing vast harm to other innocent people, in the name of preventing any casualties to themselves. America now has more of its population in prison than any other country.
More Americans are behind bars than Chinese, a country with four times the population: Why? Because Americans are afraid of crime. Americans are even afraid of allowing homosexuals to marry each other, because it somehow manages to degrade their own marriages in ways they find impossible to specify.
Fortunately, that one at least is changing, as polls indicate, but it's still a deeply ingrained fear in a lot of people, as shown by the fact that they can't manage to overturn Don't Ask Don't Tell. So yes, I think it has become quite acceptable to be a coward now. I'm very disappointed.
They tell themselves it's bravery, but lashing out blindly isn't what brave people do. Brave people face problems and solve them, not with violence. Violence is the route taken by people afraid to take the time to think about the problem, and too desperately afraid of something happening to them to worry about what other problems it causes.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.