Has there been a Baseball Player who hit a Home Run on his Major League Debut?

Similar questions: Baseball Player hit Home Run Major League Debut.

97 players have hit home runs in their first major leage at bat, 22 of them on their first major league pitch. With that many players some obviously continued to produce while others were big flops. Gary Gaetti for example hit 360 career home runs while for several players that first home run was also their last.

One of the players to hit a home run was Chuck Tanner who would later become the manager of the Pirates. Of managing he once said, "There are three secrets to managing. The first secret is 'have patience.' The second is 'be patient.

' And the third and most important secret is 'patience. " Sources: baseball almanac KingofRandomCrap's Recommendations The Pittsburgh Pirates 1979 World Series Collector's Edition Amazon List Price: $69.95 Used from: $44.99 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 11 reviews) Chuck Tanner Pittsburgh Pirates 8x10 Autographed Photograph with ''79 WS Champs #7 Mgr'' Inscription Amazon List Price: $37.40 Chuck Tanner's baseball playbook Amazon List Price: $1.00 Used from: $9.98 .

Yes, 97 players have hit a HR in their first plate appearance. Kevan Kouzmanoff hit a Grand Slam for the Cleveland Indians on the first pitch he faced, on 9/2/2006. Gary Gaetti (Twins) hit a homer his first time up, 9/20/1981, and went on to finish his career with 360 homers.

The current player with the most home runs that hit a homer on his first at bat is Jermaine Dye with 234. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Home_run_in_first_... Sources: Talent on loan from God LonePalm's Recommendations The SABR Baseball List & Record Book: Baseball's Most Fascinating Records and Unusual Statistics Amazon List Price: $17.95 Used from: $8.85 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 8 reviews) The Complete Baseball Record & Fact Book 2006: 2006 Edition (Official Major League Baseball Fact Book) Amazon List Price: $22.95 Used from: $17.97 Average Customer Rating: 3.0 out of 5 (based on 3 reviews) Batter up! .

Billy Parker of the Angels He did it in 1971 Sources: historicbaseball.com/players/p/parker_bi... .

Jeff Francoeur of the Atlanta braves did. In July of 2005, he debuted with the Braves and hit a 3-run homer on his first at-bat. How do I remember so well?

It was against my beloved Cubs. We had taken our kids all the way to Atlanta to see them play (and go to the zoo), and he just blasted the ball off of Glendon Rusch. The Braves won with a four-game sweep.

The security guard even made fun of us as we left the park. Despite the Cubs losing, it was a neat moment to witness. He was from Atlanta and was making his debut with the team he grew up watching.It was a very exciting baseball moment.

He has definitely continued to be a strong player both offensively and defensively for the Braves. BarbieM's Recommendations The Cubs Fan's Guide to Happiness Amazon List Price: $12.95 Used from: $6.09 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 8 reviews) Wrigley Field : A Celebration of the Friendly Confines Amazon List Price: $34.95 Used from: $4.25 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 3 reviews) 101 Reasons to Love the Cubs (101 Reasons to Love) Amazon List Price: $14.95 Used from: $12.950 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 1 reviews) Cubs Essential: Everything You Need to Know to Be a Real Fan Amazon List Price: $112.950 Used from: $12.950 I could have added more, but I didn't want to seem obsessed. :) .

48 have done it in their first at bat... I'm not sure about the remainder of the answer, as to whether they continued to produce, but at least one of them, Gary Gaetti, certainly did... Sources: query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=... .

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