Have medium hickory kitchen cabinets, dark wood flooring, med color counter tops. What neutral color to paint walls?

Have medium hickory kitchen cabinets, dark wood flooring, med color counter tops. What neutral color to paint walls. North/south facing windows.

Red/burgandy accents. Paint accent wall? Asked by coondog 18 months ago Similar questions: medium hickory kitchen cabinets dark wood flooring med color counter tops neutral paint walls Home > Home Improvement.

Similar questions: medium hickory kitchen cabinets dark wood flooring med color counter tops neutral paint walls.

I'm Partial to Beige Your space sounds great. I like the deep accents of red/burgundy against the "medium" based colors of your cabinets and countertops. I love the way beige looks against burgundy too.

Since you said that your prominent colors are all medium based but your floors are dark, I would go lighter on the walls to keep the space looking "open". If you go too dark on the walls, you could make the whole area dark in "feel". Beige is funny color though - it can be derived of reds, blues, greens, yellows etc.If you decide to look into a beige color, I would strongly advise getting paint samples and apply the sample colors to the wall before making a final decision.

A beige that has been derived from blue against an otherwise reddish space could clash. Beige also tends to change color with lighting so it's a good idea to paint the sample and look at several times a day to make sure that you like the way the color looks in all lighting conditions. If you want to add some more color to the space, think about using a tile mural.

Tile murals are great additions to kitchen backsplashes as they add interest and color. If you are considering a decorative tile mural, please have a look at my business website. I have an extensive Gallery of installed murals where you can see pictures of not only the tile murals, but also the color schemes that others have used in their kitchens.

Hope I've helped on the wall color question. Have a great day Toni The Tile Mural Store tilemuralstore.com Sources: http://tilemuralstore.com/pages/Gallery_1. Html .

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I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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