Have you ever encountered 'shadow people'? What do you think they are?

Shadow people yes, I have encountered them. In fact one of them would frequently walk around my house and then beat on my bed. This continued until we had our Parish Priest come out and Bless Our Home.

After the house was blessed we have not had any one inside of the home or in the back yard which was also blessed. However, in the front yard you can still see shadows moving around.

In my latest book "A Mandala Of Awakening..." I refer to shadow people. They didn't hurt me nor bother me. For me, when they showed up in my room it was very calming.

I knew that I would receive more insight as a result. I termed it shadow people because they were dark and moved around one side of my bedroom. I will be writing more about the differences between shadow people as others have witnessed 'them'.

Hope this helps!

I have had such an encounter. Though unlike spirits they do not communicate. It is believed that shadow people are sub dimensional (I think thats how you say it) Anyway they seem to move about and do things and are unaware of us.

Its like living in a parallell world. Someone once told me that shadow people are our darker selves. I don't believe that.

Another person has referred to shadow people as dark spirits, but dark spirits communicate, quite openly. I have seen shadow people and they seem to be "passers by" no particular interest and keep on their way. I have also encountered a dark spirit he used to stop he always communicated.

He especially liked visiting me in the bathroom. He was aware of me and mine. Shadow people weren't.

Hope this helps!

I do think I have encountered these "things" whatever they are. We used to live in a very old farmhouse when I was a child, and I swear, at night, there was "something" in my bedroom. There were unexplainable shadows that moved about my room, but nothing ever hurt me.

I have also had the occurrence of seeing things out of the corner of my eye, dark shadows in the middle of the day, that just disappeared as soon as I turned my head. I made the mistake of telling my shrink at the time about it and she tried to put me on anti-psychotics, lol! With all of the talk about "dark matter" by the physicists, as well as the fact that Einstein (I believe it was him) proved the theory that parallel universes existed, perhaps this could all be related somehow?

It is very hard for ghosts to manifest without alot of energy so I believe that Shadow people are just that, ghosts that are unable to manifest into a form where we can see them. After everything I have experienced throughout my life and since I have been a paranormal investigator for the last 15+ years I truly believe they are ghosts of people, whether they are good or bad is another question isn't it.

I've seen them all my life, from being in an open area like a park, to having them walk through a house in which I live. I have a feeling that this is just another manifestation of what is also refered to as a "Place spirit" or "place memory" - a "ghost" that does the same thing over and over, without ever interacting with the living, because they are just a memory. It's like paying a short run of a video or movie over and over; in time the "tape" - the memory wears out and goes away.

However, it is possible that this is another for of spirit, that perhaps doesn't ahve the energy or even will to manifest as more than just a dense shadow. Or possibly not the skill. Another conjecture - this is another form of being altogether, or maybe it's an energy manifestation, an energy spike of sorts, that is showing up as a dense dark form.No one knows what they are yet- perhaps so day we'll figure it out.

I have when I was around 12 years old. I lived in a hunted house it had a lot of strange things going on there. But nothing that would harm any of us.

I remember going to bed and hearing something in the hallway. I turned over and looked towards the door. There was a shadow person about 5 ft 6ich in hight with the shape of a woman.

This solid black shape moved into the room before disappearing into thin air. There wasn't a name for them then. Still I think it was the woman that was believed to have died in the house before we moved in.As far as I am aware shadow people in the most part are just spirits that want to be seen.

People that have lived but now have no physical body to use. It takes them a lot to preform this type of embodiment and it was a pleasure to have seen one for myself. But this doe not mean that all shadow people are harmless so proceed with care.

Shadowed people yes I remember I was very small I used to see them in the darkness of my home some times red colored person or dark shadows.

Yes, I have seen "shadow people" on several occasions. One particular apartment that I lived in, I would see them out of the corner of my eyes, darting across the room. I have no idea what this phenomenon is, but I do know from personal experiences that it do exist.

I love it when it turns out I'm not crazy! I have also encountered these...things many times. I always just say hello.

I'm not the most sensitive person I know but I have never had bad impressions from them - more sort of reassuring. Mostly I see them sort of attached to people; or hovering around them. I always just assumed that they were spirits without enough power to properly manifest.

I also thought that perhaps they might be just letting me know they were watching over their loved ones as a 'sensitive' person. I have once had a bad experience with such a shadow but this was not whilst it was in conjunction with a human being. Most of the bad feeling I have encountered spiritually is usually unattached and without human form.

But what can I say? It's all just personal experience isn't it?

I think that I've been very fortunate in this case because although I too have seen them all my life I have very rarely sensed that they meant me any harm. I can't really claim to know what they are because although I have seen them, they always seem to be completly unaware of me. I have however actually caught sight of one following someone about, which to be honest slightly freaked me out but the shadow being itself seemed harmless enough.

Some of them seem to be caught in a kind of repeat inwhich they continue to do an action over and over again while others just sort of flit about, not actually walking as such but sort of jolting from one position to the next. I've never actually shined a laser at one of these shadows but as they seem sort of solid I could believe that they'd sort of block it. Another thing that I've noticed about these beings is that the can actually appear in light.

The weaker ones are just sort of different coloured light but the stronger ones can actually reamain as shadows which o n the meaner ones can be sort of scare even though they don't really interact. I remember this one time though when I was looking at one when it turned and seemed to stare back. It didn't seem angery or anything just curious.

I lived with my aunt for almost two years before I moved out last February. My bedroom was in the dining area of the kitchen because she didn't have an extra bedroom for me to sleep in. A lot of nights, as I turned out the light and laid down, I would see an extremely dark mass standing in the middle of the kitchen.To me, it was a menacing figure but he never spoke or made any movements to signify that he was malevolent in nature.

There would also be a strong smoke smell throughout the house at times and you could hear the slight sounds of footsteps in the attic, although I tried to explain that away through the house settling from hot days into cool nights. I never told me aunt about these encounters. I knew she wasn't a believer in the paranormal.

But about a month or so after I moved out, she told me a story of seeing an extremely dark mass or figure wearing a hat walk into her bedroom after she'd turned the lights out and laid down for a few minutes. The man walked across the room, peered out the window through the curtains, turned his head in her direction, and slowly vanished. Again - I never told her of my own encounters so after she told me this I was completely shocked and extremely intrigued.

They are real,and benign(Not dangerous) unless you show fear. DON'T let them in your mind or circle of life unless you are an adept spiritual person,able to block their 'energy crush/suck'. Energy is all they seek from you,and it could result in illness and bad fortune.

Best to block them and ignore them. If you see them frequently,seek advise from your most trusted advisor,spiritual leader,or family guide for next step. Like seeking a Doctor's pro opinion.

Your 'siting' of them is validated in many sources. But blocking,stopping them is not free info for daily man/woman. Build yer mind,and filter your thoughts away from them.

YOU have the POWER to see more of them,You have the power to see less of them. Make your choice. ~JC~.

It depends on what this shadow has done to make its presence known and when it shows itself! If it only appears in darks areas or night time then you got yourself a shadow demon. They tend to be the lower level demons.

But they can still manage to do some damage. If they are small then they aren't that powerful, if they are bigger then they are more powerfull. Just watch your back.

They tend to be tricky and love to tease. I have dealt with them my whole life. Get yourself a cat.

They tend to disappear with cats around. Cats are natural gaurdians.

Yes shadow people do exists but generally not harm those who do not try to harm them. They usually have a reason or purpose or would have crossed over and went one of two ways.

Well personally I can say that the one's I have seen are not good, When I was younger me and my friend Greg used to hangout in my parent's basment in kansas and I had a Dog named Angel she was a mix between wolf and shepard very nice loyal dog, the basment seemed blessed and amazing until one day poor old angel passed away at the age of 17 I was only 12, After she had passed very strange thing's started to happen when id sleep id hear voices and people running up and down the stairs I never slept in the basment unless I had friends stay over because everytime I was in the basment with or without the light's on very strange thing's would happen I remember once I was watching Tv with greg and we felt a cold chill race through us and the tv started to make a humming noise then it shut off and the door in the basment to the boiler room started to slamm open and shut, It was about 6 months before I had the courage to go back into the basment after my parents convinced us it was the pressure in the house me and greg, aggreed to give it another try. Boy do I regret that I remember my brothers girl friend at the time coming down the stairs to tell us goodbye and we told her what we had seen and she listend to us and believed us and told us to call her if we needed to talk as she walked up there stairs me and greg spotted a shdowy figure following her ......That night on her way back to her college out of state her car flipped and she broke her kneck and died. Also that night me and greg where violently attacked in the forms of bruises , scratches and illness.

Whatever you do seek professional advice when you encounter one of these shdow figures it is very important to either help them pass on or to remove them from your life. A guardian relative that has passed away should also be helped to move on do not be selfish it could cost you your life.

I am encountering dark shadow many time but in my case the encounter is different and I even found out that changing a place or country wouldn't make me from not seeing these entities. It only appear when I am sleeping mostly when its night. I am in the state of half asleep and half awake but I am pretty sure that I am conscious about the surroundings around me.

A strange dark black shadow like a human figure covers my whole body and I feel very heavy as if it is pressing my whole body. I try to move and shout but I couldn't. This may sound funny but the fear of having covered and pressed by something dark shadow while you are sleeping is very freaky that you wouldn't even want to imagine.It started happening to me when I was 14 and it never left me since then.

Even I move to USA for my study but the things followed me. My mom told me that I try to shout just before I wake up from this happening but it was not clear what I was speaking. If anyone can help me solve this problem or anyone who have encountered this type of things then please share.

I'm not answering anything first of all...I would however, like to ask if anyone has ever had anything like the following happen to them....In my mid teens, was the first time I saw this thing, It was large (Thin but about 8 feet tall) It was sqatting perched on TOP of a stop sigh. It was all in black, and at the instant of seeing it, IT APPREECIATED that it firghtened us. (I was with a close friend..she saw the same) It had grew shin on it's face anyway...That's all we saw.

We both (I did) instantly know it was not human because no human can crouch (who is 8 feet tall) ON TOP of a stop sigh, it just would not support them. It was not kjust a shadow either it had a face and expressions that seemed to express feeling extremely well! Many years passed, I've seen it, had dreams of it..One day my daughter ran home with my son screaming about it, but my son saw NOTHING!

Had no idea what she was upset about. Years have passed and lately I have seen this thing again. More than ever.

First in my home in the afternoon..I bolted out of my house before I saw it. I seemed to know where it was or would be coming from and felt in danger..I went to go back into my home and still was very aware that I was not safe. I went in a bit later, through some prayer ,(BTW, I'm not sure what paryer exactly...because I only know the lords paryer by heart!?

) There is a burned, almost raw egg looking stain on my floor in my home where it was...It will not come up. I've most recently saw it at a very close friends home. I Had to hide the fact that I saw it and his pets also when he noticed his pet sirting up looking at it ...This was very hard and even more so because I care for this man so much and I feel like I am bringing something bad following me into his home/ life/etc..I really do not know what to do.

Oh, This thing usually appears when life is just amazingly hard. I know I sound like a nut! I wish I was!

If I could take a pill and it would go away..THAT WOULD BE GREAT! Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read.

I have encountered shadow people I see different ones alot one that I see alot appears to be kind of a boy on a skateboard with a cat with him. One time I spent the night at my friends house and wen I woke up she told me that one was walking behind the couch we were on all night and she described it to me even though she had never herd about them before. They also have spoken to me before, they use my friends voices wen my friends arent even around and they say my name its a little wierd.

I see lots of them so ya thats all.

People can laugh and say there are no such things as ghosts and shadow people but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that there are both Shadow People and Ghosts. I believe that there are people that can easily see shadow people , ghosts , and other paranormal activity and people that can not. A lot of people catch movement out of the corner of their eye and just assume that the light is playing tricks on them.

However some people see shadow people as black human shapes and know that they are seeing something. What they are seeing is the question. I know I have gone into some houses and buildings and saw shadow people.

I have also saw shadow people outdoors. I know of at least one location with in a mile of my home where I see shadow people every time I go there. Some people who go to that location see shadow people while other people see nothing.

I have often wondered why some people see shadow people while other people will see nothing. I really wonder what the reason for this is. Most of the Shadow People I have seen move very quickly and while I have seen them out of the corner of my eye I have also seen them straight on moving about and then swiftly moving off out of sight.

There is even one theory that shadow people are guardian spirits or even guardian angels. Of course many people have many theories about shadow people. What do you think shadow people are?

Post your comments in the comment section below. Animals can and do see shadow people. I once had a dog that would just start to raise hell just inside the back door.

At first I thought the dog was wanting to go outside until one day I noticed the dog always barked into one corner where there no exit to the outside. One day I myself caught a glimpse of a shadow person in that corner. Almost at once the dog started barking wildly again.

Over the next several months I caught the shadow person teasing the dog. I finally moved away and the dog was given to a friend. I currently have a cat that sees shadow people.

I have caught him running through the house and playing with one. I have caught the shadow persons reflection in a mirror so I know its there. And the cat really seems to enjoy playing with the shadow person.

I and others have heard the footsteps of shadow people. Yes you can quite often hear their footsteps as they move around. If they make noises like footsteps then they must have some what of a physical presence.

I have even heard a shadow person laugh. And I truly believe at least some of them have a personality. I know the one playing with my cat enjoys it because it and the cat sometimes will play for a hour or more.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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