No way, not ever. I don't understand the women with short hair trend. I think it looks awful..on everyone.As someone who has difficulty growing hair there is no way I'd ever cut it all off.
I prefer men with long hair too lol but as for women I just think it a bad look.
Yes, I've gotten an extremely short haircut before! The circumstances might have been a wee bit different though. I was in kindergarten.So was my little sister.
And we decided that it'd be fun to try to cut each other's hair. Long story short, we got caught, it looked terrible, and we ended up getting ridiculously short pixie-cut like haircuts. We both looked like boys and were mistaken for boys.
While I don't necessarily have a problem with that now, it's not the look I want for myself. So it's just long hair for me from now on. I wish I had the type of face that could pull off a pixie cut, but I really don't.
In high school I cut my hair to about shoulder-length, but even that tends to look a bit wrong on me after a few days. At least I recognize myself with my current hairstyle.
I am a wake up an go kind of gal. I am proud to say my beauty regiment takes only 15 minutes and that includes a shower. I prefer to have shorter locks because of the wave in my hair, it's either frizz or 45 minutes of blow drying.
The first time I cut my hair short was the August I was pregnant. It was so hot that I couldn't stand the sweat and the hair, so I cut it off. Quite similar to Demi's style in the video above.
What a relief! I could have all the windows down in the car, and not have my hair flying around my face! It was so freeing.My only bit of advice.
If you want to go from long to short hair, remember there is a very ugly period you'll need to suffer through if you ever decide to grow it out.
Yes! In fact, I was habituated in very short haircut until I got a job. Actually, nothing inspired me.
I kept it short because short hair needed less maintenance, less time and it felt very nice when gentle breeze touched my scalp through my hair. Moreover, you can easily wipe your head dry after you bathe or sweat. But if it is your original image displayed here, I don't think that would look good on you.
You already look very beautiful with long, black hair. Opinions may differ, however. Thanks.
Yeah, I did this but regretted it once I walked out the door. My hair was down to the middle of my back, I got it cut because when I moved to Texas in 85 I quickly realized that thick long hair just is way to hot. I got something short so I could be cooler and not worry about braiding it on a daily basis.
UGHHHH I hated it, but I agree it really was much cooler. These days my hair is long, almost to my waist and the only time it is braided is when I have my 2 month old grand daughter. It seems her little fist always find my hair and it hurts!
Braid it up and its not a problem. Babies and long hair do not mix well..
No way, not ever. I don't understand the women with short hair trend. I think it looks awful..on everyone.
As someone who has difficulty growing hair there is no way I'd ever cut it all off. I prefer men with long hair too lol but as for women I just think it a bad look.
In college, I took a sociology class entitled "Punks on Film". We studied the Punk music phenomenon, and then we wrote papers about films that featured Punks -- mostly as villans. This was at Berkeley, which is a notorious hippie college.
Most of us had long hair at the start of the class -- and most of us had short punk-inspired hair by the end of the class! It was not something we discussed doing or agreed to do. We just slowly but surely started to conform to what we were studying.
Really bizarre, actually. This was in 1989. This is the closest picture I could find, to what my particular cut looked like.
Mine was even shorter in back, though, so that part of my neck needed to be shaved.
Yes, I've gotten an extremely short haircut before! The circumstances might have been a wee bit different though. I was in kindergarten.
So was my little sister. And we decided that it'd be fun to try to cut each other's hair. Long story short, we got caught, it looked terrible, and we ended up getting ridiculously short pixie-cut like haircuts.
We both looked like boys and were mistaken for boys. While I don't necessarily have a problem with that now, it's not the look I want for myself. So it's just long hair for me from now on.
I wish I had the type of face that could pull off a pixie cut, but I really don't. In high school I cut my hair to about shoulder-length, but even that tends to look a bit wrong on me after a few days. At least I recognize myself with my current hairstyle.
Yes, I have! Demi Moore in the movie ghost inspired me to do so. I learned that not everyone could pull off that cut.
Unfortunately I was one of the ones who couldn't. :) It just made my face look longer and my eyes look HUGE!
I am a wake up an go kind of gal. I am proud to say my beauty regiment takes only 15 minutes and that includes a shower. I prefer to have shorter locks because of the wave in my hair, it's either frizz or 45 minutes of blow drying.
The first time I cut my hair short was the August I was pregnant. It was so hot that I couldn't stand the sweat and the hair, so I cut it off. Quite similar to Demi's style in the video above.
What a relief! I could have all the windows down in the car, and not have my hair flying around my face! It was so freeing.
My only bit of advice. If you want to go from long to short hair, remember there is a very ugly period you'll need to suffer through if you ever decide to grow it out.
I needed a change and it seemed that cutting my hair was less drastic than some of the other options like leaving the state or something like that. I liked my haircut when it was all said and done.
Soft meets texture. Relaxed glam, not perfection. I sew /rework all of my own clothes, and I sew the soft furnishings in my home.
My dresses usually become cushions come bags come turbans come toilet paper holders. I have sewed a bolero from the same fabric that I used for my understated living room lamp, and most of the cushions started out as scarves. Several of my dresses reflect my rooms, like this one that I call my kitchen-dress.
Lime, black, gray - mixed with pink. I love a bit of bling and rock`n roll. I wear this dress around the house a lot, and as I thankfully have a good sense of humor about my self I am aware of the funny in perfectly matching my carpet.
My home is very important to me, it is where I rest, rebalance, connect. I am very active in my own life with regards to how I percieve my self and how I choose to live. I always want to learn, to grow, to be honest with my self, to pay it forward and to create the life that makes me a happier and better person.
It all starts in my heart, in my home. We are the the music makers and the dreamers of dreams.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.