Hey hows the weather in your area,and anyone care to share what song is in your head tonight?mine is in the details?

Mine is in the details... youtu.be/kyE4CLM0QIA Asked by Squeeky-changes-suck 6 months ago Similar questions: hows weather area care share song head tonight mine details Entertainment > Music > Music Styles.

Similar questions: hows weather area care share song head tonight mine details.

Thunder in the distance. Hope it comes closer. I have my lottery ticket.Com/watch?


Excellent song. Thanks Max. Squeeky-changes-suck 6 months ago .

Cool as a cucumber here, west of west Vancouver. Here's a bit of fun and nonsense:youtu.be/HkzAEGarl9Q be/HkzAEGarl9Q.

Thanks Goldie080 Squeeky-changes-suck 6 months ago .

Great weather in the metro Detroit area, Song is Hair by the Cowsills ( I have been humming that all day)..lol .

Good tune,thanks. Squeeky-changes-suck 6 months ago .

Love that Christey McViegh song Squeeky. Here is mine, Kenny Chesney & Grace Potter: You and Tequilla com/watch? V=Q8XkLrErSHw.

Oh, and it's HOT here in Massachusetts. Nice .

We hit 100f today first time this year been heving the coldest wettest spring in 50years. Great tune BTW. Squeeky-changes-suck 6 months ago .

Glad you like it. Give this one a listen. It's from The Band Perry... com/watch?


Haven't heard that one in a long time! It's humid, 87 here. Com/watch?


Thanks. Squeeky-changes-suck 6 months ago .

Now that the sun has set, it's bearable outside. The humidity has not relented the last few days, despite pop-up showers almost every day. I'm trying not to let the heat get to me, so I am thinking cool thoughts (swimming pools with water that is the perfect temp, sprinklers, ice cream, etc...).

The song in my head is Third Day-Make Your Move com/watch? V=KN-UkCA4QzI.

Normal . Slightly cooler and dry, upper 80's to low 90's day time and upper 70's-low 80's (cooler for certain) at night, average humidity was in the 50-mid 60 percent range the last few days, very low for the sub tropics, should be about upper 70-80's at all times. Not much rain for rainy season, here is some rain music.

-you can hear sheet of rain falling and cascading com/watch? V=N00XKtROddc&feature=related.

Very hot, humid, stifling - I could use some rain. This crazy one-hit wonder just came to my mind - sorryyoutu.be/LyRqdzF8swY be/LyRqdzF8swY.

It was 90 and sunny here in Northern New Jersey. Got Karen Carpenter on my mind tonight: com/watch? V=SJmmaIGiGBg.

Always really liked her songs.Thanks. Squeeky-changes-suck 6 months ago .

We are freezing here in Oz. Cold fronts, rain, hail. On top of all that we actually had an earthquake!

Someone loves us.... Jexebellion 6 months ago.

Yes thanks Squeeky...I just hate the cold weather, even though it is not as cold as it can get in the northern parts of the States. Jexebellion 5 months ago.

Hotter here than the pits of Hades. Here's one of the truly great songs from a little-known British psych band from 1967....yeah, I know....it's kind of long, but listen to the words....it's beautiful.....youtube.com/watch?v=0dQOJ657ptE&feature=... com/watch? V=0dQOJ657ptE&feature=related.

Great tune thanks OH. Squeeky-changes-suck 6 months ago .

I've had Run Through the Jungle by Creedence going through my head all day. The weather here in Birmingham is rainy and in the 70's.

A classic,here ya go enjoy and thanks for the reply........youtu.be/EbI0cMyyw_M Squeeky-changes-suck 6 months ago be/EbI0cMyyw_M.

Mine's in the details. " "Anyone care to share what song is in your head tonight? Mine is in the details=" " what song is in your head tonight?

Mine's in the details! " " would anyone like to share what song they have in their head tonight? Mine is in the details..." "what song is in your head tonight?

" " what song is in your head tonight? Mine's in the details:" " anyone care to share what song is in your head tonight?" " Anyone care to share what song is in your head tonight? Mine is in the details..." "Anyone care to share what song is in your head tonight?

Mine is in the details....." " anyone care to share what song is in your head tonight? Mine is of course in the details....

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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