Hidden features of MATLAB IDE?

You should definitely familiarise yourself with some of the basic Matlab documentation, including Desktop Tools and Development Environment One of the strong points of Matlab is that it is comprehensively (if not always intelligibly) documented. And when the documentation fails you you'll, obviously, need Undocumented Matlab.

You should definitely familiarise yourself with some of the basic Matlab documentation, including Desktop Tools and Development Environment.. One of the strong points of Matlab is that it is comprehensively (if not always intelligibly) documented. And when the documentation fails you you'll, obviously, need Undocumented Matlab.

1 for link to Undocumented Matlab - a great resource – Chris Dec 6 at 21:41.

You should check this : blogs.mathworks.com/desktop/2009/10/12/t... So it depends on your Matlab's version and... your preferences.

File > Preferences > Editor/Debugger > Tab > Emacs-style Tab key smart indenting When this is enabled, hitting the Tab will automatically indent the current line of code to the correct level. I don't understand why you'd want it any other way :).

For Matlab releases 2009a or earlier, where keyboard shortcuts could not be modified in the preferences, you can use the EditorMacro utility (EditorMacro also works on newer Matlab releases, but there you have the preferences option). EditorMacro has the added benefit of enabling asignment of a keyboard shortcut to a user-defined macro (for example, textual template for the Editor) and even sets of built-in Command Prompt/Editor actions - this feature is not available in the Matlab preferences. EditorMacro does have a few limitations, listed here.

There is also a derivative utility called KeyBindings, which complements EditorMacro in some respects.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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