How can I configure Dreamweaver CS5 so that files with extension .less are edited with zen-coding?

Edit (Dreamweaver on Mac) -> Preferences, File Types/Editors Click the plus (+) button on the left-hand list. Enter ". Less" without quotes.

With the . Less entry selected, click the plus (+) button on the right-hand list, browse to and select the application that you want to open . Less files with.

Then click OK to apply the changes. Then double click a . Less file in the files panel and it will open up with the specified application Re-reading the question, I can see that maybe it is ambiguously asking how to add .

Less files as an editable file type so that Dreamweaver can edit the file. If so, then follow the steps in this Adobe technote:

Edit (Dreamweaver on Mac) -> Preferences, File Types/Editors Click the plus (+) button on the left-hand list. Enter ". Less" without quotes.

With the . Less entry selected, click the plus (+) button on the right-hand list, browse to and select the application that you want to open . Less files with.

Then click OK to apply the changes. Then double click a . Less file in the files panel and it will open up with the specified application.Re-reading the question, I can see that maybe it is ambiguously asking how to add .

Less files as an editable file type so that Dreamweaver can edit the file. If so, then follow the steps in this Adobe technote:

Thanks Danilo, but still can not resolve here. I still can not expand using shortcuts zen coding ... – Anderson Juhasc Oct 19 at 11:43 1 By your response it seems like (although you do not specify) that you are trying to edit the page within Dreamweaver and you are using a third-party extension to add Zen Coding editing ( Com/p/zen-coding ) to Dreamweaver (as in not built into Dreamweaver).

Is that correct, or are you trying to have Dreamweaver open . Less files in another editor? – Danilo Celic Oct 19 at 15:41 It seems that the method that the Zen Coding extension uses to identify CSS files relies on an internal Dreamweaver API call that for .

Css files identifies the file as CSS, but for added files, such as . Less, it does not correctly identify the file as CSS. I've logged a bug with the Zen Coding project proposing an alternative method of file type identification, hopefully they can fix the issue in their next release:

Id=297 – Danilo Celic Oct 25 at 14:37.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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