How can I keep a wife beater away from my mother in law?

I agree with J.S. Matthew, you need to involve the police and get advice on a restraining order. This problem needs to be dealt with quickly. Don't lose any time reporting this as he has already been violent and threatening.

Hope you get this sorted out.

Seriously, wait at her door for him and beat the snot out of him. Of course try using the police first but I doubt it will help. It bothers me to no end how people will say violence doesn't solve anything .

I'm not trying to sound like i'm all for violence, but too often in life people try to do things the "moral way" and innocent people end up paying the price for it. I've seen it happen and it sucks. Most people will say get restraining orders and such things but people like this guy only understand one thing and that is strength and power.

I suggest you go to the local law enforcement and report what you have said here. From there, they will be able to guide you.

If police waiver on this, your county probably has a Senior Protection or Advocacy division of some sort under Social Services or Senior Services. If you can find them in the phone directory, report to them and ask that they help with an Elder Abuse charge, which should catch a judge's eye pretty quick. This should work for any victim form age 55 or 60, on up.

Best wishes.

Be a man and stand up for her, get in the other's face and do it without hesitation. Usually bullies are always surprised by that course of action.

I agree with Patty Inglish that you should contact the Elder Services/Senior Protection agency in the area. They are generally very good about working with law enforcement, and can help her get the protection that she needs.

This is a sad story. I can say that as a CJ student I learned that most of the time law enforcement is more or less helpless. They can't respond in time to stop something from happening and they can't arrest someone based on the suspicion of what they might do (most of the time).

It is a good idea to get the restraining order however, because this shows a genuine fear and gets the process started. If he violates the restraining order then there can be action taken by the police. Personally I think your best option is to associate your mother in law and your whole family that lives in the town with Misters Smith & Wesson.

Check your laws and learn how to employ it properly in a dire situation. I hope you found this useful.

Call the Police! Get a Restraining Order! Have her stay away from her house with someone else until this guy is caught!

He has already threatened and abused her, and she is elderly. Don't let this pass; take action immediately! JSMatthew~.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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