Like the above answer, I suggest you to create some Folders with the names that you can remember where you put your links under. Creating Bookmark Folders : 1. Open Firefox 2.
Go to Bookmarks --> Organize Bookmarks 3. Click on Bookmark Menu --> Right Click --> New Folder 4. Name is as you wish.5.
Move your links you need under that folder. After putting under the Folders you are almost done organizing. But if you need quick access, you can create folders in the Bookmark toolbar or drag the folders from the bookmark menu to the bookmark menu.It will appear like this.
To quickly access your bookmarks without navigating through the bookmark menu, add the folders you created above to the "Bookmark Toolbar Folder" while the Bookmarks Manager is open. This will create a row of folders on your bookmark toolbar. 2. Make it intuitive.
Name the folders using simple names that will help you remember which bookmarks are in which folder. Example: use "school links" for sites leading to your school website or other helpful websites a teacher has recommended.3. If more than one person uses the same Firefox profile (Windows account), make folders for each person so that all of you can find your bookmarks easier.4.
Get your bookmarks synchronized. Install Xmarks from Xmarks.Com (formally Foxmarks) Firefox Add-on to synchronize your newly organized bookmarks with multiple PCs. This will keep your bookmarks the same on all of the desktops and laptops you use for home, work, or school.5.
Organize even further! Move folders inside of other folders to build a bookmark folder tree. ---END QUOTE--- Ref : You can also use a bookmark called XMarks to backup your bookmarks in case of emergency.
More information from one of my answers : Hope this helps.
Like the above answer, I suggest you to create some Folders with the names that you can remember where you put your links under. Creating Bookmark Folders : 1. Open Firefox 2.
Go to Bookmarks --> Organize Bookmarks 3. Click on Bookmark Menu --> Right Click --> New Folder 4. Name is as you wish.5.
Move your links you need under that folder. After putting under the Folders you are almost done organizing. But if you need quick access, you can create folders in the Bookmark toolbar or drag the folders from the bookmark menu to the bookmark menu.It will appear like this.
To quickly access your bookmarks without navigating through the bookmark menu, add the folders you created above to the "Bookmark Toolbar Folder" while the Bookmarks Manager is open. This will create a row of folders on your bookmark toolbar. 2. Make it intuitive.
Name the folders using simple names that will help you remember which bookmarks are in which folder. Example: use "school links" for sites leading to your school website or other helpful websites a teacher has recommended.3. If more than one person uses the same Firefox profile (Windows account), make folders for each person so that all of you can find your bookmarks easier.4.
Get your bookmarks synchronized. Install Xmarks from Xmarks.Com (formally Foxmarks) Firefox Add-on to synchronize your newly organized bookmarks with multiple PCs. This will keep your bookmarks the same on all of the desktops and laptops you use for home, work, or school.5.
Organize even further! Move folders inside of other folders to build a bookmark folder tree. ---END QUOTE--- Ref : You can also use a bookmark called XMarks to backup your bookmarks in case of emergency.
More information from one of my answers : Hope this helps .
What I do is create folders in my bookmarks toolbar and put all the sites which fit in the same category in that folder. For instance, I have an anime folder with all my favorite sites. You right click on your bookmarks toolbar and choose "new folder."
As for organizing your bookmarks, all you can do in the "organizing bookmarks" menu item is to arrange sites by website location, name or any tags you have added to your bookmarks.
Select Sidebar, and then Bookmarks. A sidebar will appear on the left of the Firefox window. You will see at least 3 icons there: Bookmarks Toolbar, Bookmarks Menu, and Unsorted Boookmarks.
The Bookmarks Toolbar is the strip across the top, underneath the address bar. Use that for websites you go to constantly, so you never have to dig for them. The Bookmarks Menu is what you see when you click on the Bookmarks menu, and is probably where most of your current bookmarks are.
3Add Bookmarks to the Bookmarks Toolbar. This will make it easy to get where you often go to, quickly and without fuss. From the bookmarks you've collected, drag the top 5 bookmarks into the Bookmarks Toolbar folder.
You can add more if you like, but the most efficient way to use the Bookmarks Toolbar is to keep it limited to those sites you visit regularly. Add folders to the Bookmarks Toolbar. If you frequently visit a number of related sites, rather than using up the toolbar space for every site, put them all in a Bookmark folder, and drag that to your Bookmarks Toolbar folder.
The menu option Open All in Tabs will open all the bookmarks in that folder at one time, in separate tabs. To organize the rest of your bookmarks, we need to create a filing system. Chances are, while you may have dozens of bookmarks, you have a much smaller number of categories for those bookmarks.
We'll create those next, in the Bookmarks Menu folder. 5Create a new folder. Right-click on the Bookmarks Menu folder (or Control-click).
6Name the folder. In the New Folder window, type a name for the folder, and if you like, a description or memo of what's inside.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.