How can I take a life insurance policy out on my mother...she is 70?

How can I take a life insurance policy out on my mother...she is 70. Asked by smith8505 3 months ago Similar questions: life insurance policy mother 70 Business > Insurance.

Similar questions: life insurance policy mother 70.

Check with more than one insurance company to give you the quote. The cutoff age in some insurance companies is 80. So you sure can get her insured albeit the premium would be very high.

The insurance companies would be checking her health status and based on their finding may or may not issue the policy. If she is in excellent health and takes not too many medications her chances are better.

Yes you can. If she has no major medical problems you can still get her 10 year or 15 year level term. Even with some medical problems, you should still be able to get a policy.

You best bet is to search online for a couple of companies, find one that seems to have a reasonable rate, and then have your mother apply. $100,000 10 year level term runs on average about $150 a month. $50,000 about $75.00.

Premium would be more if she has some health problems. There is no cost to apply. If your mother is turned down, they will refund the premium.In these normal 10 year and 15 year plans, there is no waiting period.

Benefits become available as soon as the policy is issued and premium is received. There is no need on askville to tell us why you want insurance on your mother. That is between you and her.

Quadrophile has the information correct. But, unless she has a major medical situation, premiums are not that high. For example, the $150.00 a month premium comes to $1,800 a year for $100,000 of insurance.

If you invested $1,800 a year at 3%, in 15 years you would have $34,482. At 6% you would have $44,410. At 10% you would have $62,909.

You would need a return of 15.17% just to equal the $100,000 face amount. Unless you can average a very high return, the face amount will exceed the payments.

If you find a company willing to cover her, the premiums are likely to be pretty high, and there will also likely be a waiting period before benefits would kick in. Are you trying to cover her eventual funeral/burial expenses, or what? Kat .

There is no point. Life insurance is there to provide for the dependents and young folks. I'm assuming your mother does not have any dependents at this time.

The life insurance companies are not in business to lose money, so any premiums on her policy would be astronomical.

You can call an insurance agent - however, at that age, the payments would end up being more than the payout.

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Does anyone know how to find out online if you have an active life insurance policy.

What happens if a grandparent takes out a life insurance policy without parents consent when a claim happens.

How do I take a life insurance policy out on my dad he is 50 and he is currently not employeed.

I'm from N.C. my mother pasted away 2-5-2011. I want to find out if she or my father had a life insurance policy.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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