Too much moisture and a lack of moisture can both cause our hair to frizz. That is why you may notice your hair more frizzy on certain days. The weather and moisture content in the home plays a big part.
There are many products out there that tackle frizz. Using a once a week deep conditioning treatment usually helps. Hair serums like CurlFriends Tame Smoothing Serum can help avoid the frizzy hair and do not leave the hair feeling greasy.
I personally get great results from Tresemme Mousse. I use it when I am leaving my hair curly and I also use it when I go to straighten my hair. It is just super great on eliminating the frizz all together.
Last tip: Many folks do not realize the way they blow dry their hair can either help with the problem or make it worse. Shampoo, condition and towel dry. Comb through the hair and apply product.
Now blow dry and DO NOT touch or run the fingers through the hair again. Doing so will definitely cause frizz no matter what product you use. COMPLETELY dry the hair.
Again, leaving hair damp can cause our hair to become frizzy.
Before you can conquer frizz, you need to understand what causes it: too much moisture and not enough moisture. When it's humid, moisture from the air penetrates the hair shaft, causing strands to swell and look frizzy. When hair is too dry or damaged, it develops a negative charge that causes strands to repel each other, making flyaway hairs more visible.
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