How can we help bring world peace and prosperity to the everyone?

This is a question I deal with on almost a daily basis as I have made my home in There are constant reminders here of the horrible effects of the bomb as well as the wonders of survival, compassion and forgiveness. I think in this way, our community here is fortunate to be reminded of what devastation and horror can occur when we do not strive for peace among ourselves as well as worldwide. When I talked to Azimi, the director of the Asian region UN office here, she said conflict resolution is much easier with roshima as a backdrop because " the location of roshima brings the right conditions to the situation.It transcends these problems we are having now in our modern world.

" In terms of supplying the world with power, which is often at the root of the world's conflicts, we turn to the problem of cheap and easy access to energy sources. However, what is cheap and what is expensive in terms of harvesting, producing distributing and using not to mention the after effects of its use on the environment and people- never seems very clear. * Nuclear Power: If we are talking cheap, then people usually look to nuclear power- but no one will say its completely safe or talk about what we are doing with all the nuclear waste being created.

New types of nuclear plants that create more plutonium (fuel for reactors) than they use are being tried out in Japan, but waste is still a problem. Burying it just doesn't seem to be a good enough answer. * Black Gold: Oil is evil in many ways from the politics of it bringing many countries to war and funding unethical governments and organizations, but it is the infrastructure we seem to be stuck with unless governments and people are willing to make changes in their daily lives until they are forced to.

Some experts say we will run out of oil in the next 20 years, so the time to make hard adjustments now. * Renewable energy is an exciting new word and is coming from everywhere from waves to wind, solar and burning garbage. If I had to put my faith in one, I would say that solar is my favorite.

It doesn't pollute, doesn't hurt any animals or people, doesn't make noise and can be put right on top of places where people need the energy. Unlike wind and wave power- it doesn't have to be transported far from where it is made, this makes it more effective. Japan has a big push to get 1 in every 4 houses generating solar power on rooftops by 2020.

This should be every country's aim, this would bring the costs of solar systems way down and the infrastructure and electrical grid which is already using solar power as a source, could be expanded and be more effective. The need for gas would decrease as plug-in hybrids and all electric cars become more mainstream and can be charged at home by solar power. Some cities in Japan are looking into creating "Solar Farms" which generate a high percentage of a city's electricity.

Mazda car company and Tsukuba city (near Tokyo) are working with a convenience store chain to run a pilot of electric Mazda car use charged at solar power generated convenience stores across the city. If it takes off, this could become a national norm, maybe an international one. Securing daily use of solar electricity power in the lives of normal people is the target.

Japan is also trying to get a huge solar power station in space. The theory goes that the more solar panels created and the better the technology becomes, the cheaper and more accessible it will be for everyone around the planet. I think the UN should look at giving aide in terms of solar, wind and other region specific renewable power systems to help communities that are disadvantaged by an absence or irregular power sources- to allow self-sufficiency in power would be a great step forward in solving many of their day to day problems.

This would also allow for greater access to information through the internet, raising the level of education as long as their countries allow for freedom of information. This could be a great example of "if you teach a man to fish..." as "if you teach a person to search for what they need and want to know how to do...." the results could be positive, productive, supportive and achieve so much more that can be achieved by passing out food, clothes and other handouts. Having free and easy access to information online would also limit the amount of political corruption and problems caused by misinformation and ignorance.

Levitt and Dubner in "Freakonomics" talk about how the price of Life Insurance went down to standardized prices that were greatly discounted from years before for the same services once people started to check and compare policies on the internet. As Bill Gates says, "The Internet ... has a revolutionary impact--individuals and businesses can overcome geographical, cultural and logistical barriers and improve the way they live and work." Giving everyone in the world access to the internet would help them solve a lot of their own problems, get community support for problems they face and in that way allow for a more peaceful world.

I think most of the hate and war in the world would be solved if people had less ignorance about the world and its people. If everyone had access to the internet and community support and information they needed as well as a means for them to tell their own stories- the distance between us would be easier to bridge and fighting wars against people who are familiar and accessible to us would be that much harder. This kind of community support helps families, individuals, everyone.

When people feel supported and a part of their family, community, country and world- we can hope that would make the world a more peaceful place.

I think the single most effective step people can take to bring about world peace and to reduce corruption in government is to begin to opt out of corporate culture as much as possible. Choose work that actually adds something positive to the world, even if it is low paid and sporadic, and cut back to essential services so that expenses are simple and minimal. Corruption continues because we depend on corrupt corporations for our livelihoods and we depend on corrupt government to reign in corrupt corporations.

We buy from them, we work for them, we are constantly doing what they say we should do instead of thinking for ourselves. So long as we are dependent on corporations they will keep using us and eventually ruin the entire earth. There is no such thing as a 'consumer economy'.

An economy is based on value in/profit out. If you simply take profit out, that's not an economy, that's a tapeworm. It might sound idealistic to suggest change at an individual level, but that's the level at which it is most possible.

I speak from experience, having left my job in finance in 2008 when I had a heart attack at my desk. I have been working for myself ever since and I eat three meals each day and feel pretty good. Nothing catastrophic has happened as a result of ditching my cubicle, even though everyone said it would be the end of the world.

Finally, I am not just enriching some stranger who is already way too rich anyway--I'm doing creative work that matters to me and to others, and it feels better no matter what it pays. Everyone is good at something. Start doing that thing and start asking people to pay you for it.It really is that simple.

You don't need a job, you need meaningful work. Find it for yourself. Barter for some of your needs.

Reduce your energy consumption and quit driving around and buying cheaply made junk that isn't necessary. Focus on people more than money and creativity more than order. The energy crisis is to some degree manufactured by Big Oil in league with corrupt government.

In the 1970s a passive solar house was designed that uses almost NO energy to heat, even when it's very cold outside. Home wind generators with a low vertical profile are also now available for around $3000. Most vertical turbines won't support the ridiculous energy use of an American household, but here's a radical thought: Use less energy.

It's not that hard to cut back on electricity usage. Dryers use the bulk of electricity in most U.S.Homes and second in line is hot water. Wash your clothes in cold water.

Dry them outside when you can. Stop throwing small loads of wash in five or six times a week and just do one big load instead. Invest in solar hot water--it's one of the easiest, cheapest solar systems to set up and it will cut your energy usage dramatically.

Stop watching TV every night. It's mostly garbage and will make you feel awful. Read a book, take a class, learn to knit, sit outside, invite your neighbors over for cards.

Buy local whenever you can, even if it costs a few more dollars. Buy one really well-made locally crafted item instead of six cheaply made imported items at a big box store. Walk when you can, bike when you can't walk, use your auto sparingly.

Grow some food at home, just so you can see where food comes from (it's not always that much cheaper but it does change how you think about the world. ) Support your local library. Most have free internet service for anyone in the community.

I think that, honestly it's time to start starving the beast. We can't keep living the way we have. We can change now, voluntarily, or be forced to change later, when it all falls down.

I used too many 'you's' in this. Ack! Didn't mean to sound so preachy.

Really, it's not for me to tell other people how to live, but I do think that we are kind of choosing our own doom here and just crying about it a lot when all along, if we just all took some simple steps and supported one another, we'd find we have the power to effect lasting change. Why do you think the news is always trying to set us against each other? It's because the media are corporately owned now, and they don't WANT us to work together while saying "No thank you" to them.

Seriously, if we just do that--say no thank you to the corporate lifestyle--that would be a huge step.

First though let me say, if Science tells us anything, the foundation of Truth is EVIDENCE. So anything I say I am quite willing to change my opinion upon if shown PROPER evidence. Whats the answer?VOLUNTARISM."All relationships should be voluntary and that you shouldn't hurt peaceful people.

" I would describe it fundamentally as the opposite of Communism. It stands against the Marx ideal that we can hurt anyone and take from anyone as long as its for the "greater good" and that everyone should work and act under the constant threat of violence. The symbol for voluntarism is a big V for voluntarism... and a handshake of black and gold.

Black representing anti-statism, and Gold representing literally gold, or money, the greatest sign of a free and healthy society. "Money is the root of all evil" is a cute saying, but its not true. Money is the symbol that proves a society relies on consensual exchange instead of violence and oppression.

Once you accept Voluntarism, these other issues become so simple. For example, its fairly clear that the invisible hand consistently reaches for the development of new energy sources.It is the Government again and again standing in the way of clean energy. The red tape for solar and wind power is astonishingly absurd... and clean nuclear energy is literally impossible in America. Another issue, Pollution, is an extension of "public" or government property.

I wonder if people realize that the US Federal Government is the biggest polluter the country? People take care of land they own, its the Oceans, its the Rivers, precisely those areas which individual humans don't own that get polluted. People are very defensive of things they own, and they don't just care about this "communal property.

" If you love the environment, like I do, you should support the ability of an individual to own land, water, and air. Families are destroyed by government and welfare. The wealth and prosperity of the free market would allow more parents to say home and raise children during their formative years.

And and these well meaning welfare polices STRONGLY incentivize people to have children before they're ready, and furthermore encourages single parent families by giving more money to those who split up. I could go on and on, but if you're interested in more check the Source links which include an amazing podcast by Stefan Molyneux, free audio books like Market for Liberty, and an entertaining online graphic novel on the subject matter.

A trivial answer but the solution might be the British savoury spread Marmite. De Bono's Marmite plan for peace in Middle Yeast Sunday, 19 December 1999SHARE PRINTEMAILTEXT SIZE NORMALLARGEEXTRA LARGE By Louise Jury By Louise Jury 19 December 1999 Edward de Bono, the guru of creative thinking, has been called in by the Foreign Office to help sort out the Arab-Israeli conflict. Ever willing to help, he has conjured up a solution straight from a jar - Marmite.

The celebrated master of lateral thinking is promoting supplies of the yeast extract spread as the means to resolve the region's seemingly intractable problems. The logic, briefly, is this. A lack of zinc makes men irritable and belligerent.

You get zinc in yeast, which is fine for your average lover of Mother's Pride. But in the Middle East, the bread is unleavened. Ergo, the great man says, Marmite is the answer to easing the way to peace.

Dr de Bono gave two lectures to the Foreign Office last week. The first was open to several hundred officials at all levels and was packed out. For the second, the Middle East team won a bid for a special dedicated session.

Speaking afterwards, Dr de Bono said that the classic approach to problem-solving was to identify the problem and then trying to remove it. In world affairs, however, many of the problems were not eradicable. Diplomacy meant working round them."That's the kind of thinking I try to encourage," he said.

He was confident his zinc theory would be proved if only hospitals in the Middle East would co-operate in tests. But he conceded they probably would not. A Foreign Office spokeswoman said the decision to invite Dr de Bono came out of internal discussions on modernising the department.

"The idea came from thinking about how to make the Foreign Office more creative and introducing the idea that creativity can be taught. Edward de Bono is the guru of creative thinking," she said.It is not Dr de Bono's first encounter with the British civil service. Last year Sir Michael Bichard, the Permanent Secretary at the Department for Education, accused top Whitehall mandarins of stifling creativity and refusing to reform the civil service.

He drafted in Dr de Bono to show civil servants how to make radical decisions. How successful he has been will become apparent only with the publication of next year's Marmite sales figures.

The term world contains all the country in the world...each and every country differ from each change the world into peace, again the world should be reborn...i know. No one in the world, execpt few, are ready to be peace with each other and this is my personal experience...

None of the above will bring peace to humans. What will bring world peace to us is if something tragic happens that forces everyone to come together. If we were on the brink of extinction, everyone worldwide would work together to survive.

We only get along when things are going horribly. I know, it's kind of pathetic.

All the things you listed i.e. Cheap energy, clean water, etc are valid. But the changes must start from within each of us.

Our greatest problems are as a result of not focusing on the colective good. As A race we are not cohesive. Until we learn too recognize and value our selves and respect our individual differences, peace and prosperity for all is but a concept.

Simply make one new person each day happy. Use the "Pay It Forward" concept, and before you know it people will realize that in order to make themselves happy we should make others happy as well. This turns into a world wide concept, and then we have peace without the politics in the future.

We need to be friends before we can come up with a solution. With the wars happening and having enemies, we will never be able to resolve energy, water, and air issues with other countries. Why worry?

We have a lot of problems within our own territory to deal with before focusing on helping other countries fix their issues.

Because we're an evolved species, human beings are inherently tribal. So, one tribe will always want what the other tribe has. World peace is unrealistic, but certain things will bring prosperity and wealth to as many people as possible.

First, no religion. Religion gives our violent tribal side a way to express it self. Second, the governments of nations should not overly tax or regulate business.

Business is just an expression of people desire to gain wealth and spread prosperity. So long as there not doing harm to anyone else people should be allowed to do what they want. Last but not least, family.

People spitting out kids too young or just outright abandoning them seems to be an issue. Its not religion or school's responsibility to raise people children for them.

Peace and Prosperity for everyone. Such a thing seems inconceivable. People never seem to get content with what they have.

I don't know who said it but "Never underestimate another person's greed.

Well all the views are a very good idea but they are very imprabable for doind that. What I mean by that is that the idea of those would help but in order to do that you would need to start out small like donate a little bit of your salery each week because that would help it very much it could help do that or you could take your step a little further and acuatly go out with an organization and help them with what you strongly belive in that could really help because of what you wrote it sounds like you want to help out a lot so you can not make a big impact on the world so you need to start out small and from there help more so you should donate or help out by going where you belive needs help find an organization that helps what you belive in. I hope my answer had helped you.

Well, start thinking positively and developing a positive attitude. When we get out from the Individual thinking and realize that we are all of same kind and human beings without any differences of cast, status, culture, religion then peace will be come. Try to spend time on thinking who I am, why I am here in this world, what is my motto and aim in life, what can I do for others, what are my strengths and why I use these strengths in the best and positive way.

When all the people in this world develop thinking like; I am responsible for everything happening to me, no any other body, then ultimately peace will come. Now the issue is resources - like energy crisis, pollution, water shortage, food and education and so many. These all are not the issue but the mistakes of those who are responsible or take charge of these things.

The people or leaders who take charge of the governments or having ministries must avoid individual interests and work combinelly for the benefit of society. Change the thinkings and you see the world around you will change.

One common fact that I see when studying the people of the world is that they are intelligent, resourceful, and dynamic. The power of the individual is transforming the world. What needs to occur to bring peace and prosperity through out the world?

Your view on Cheap Energy Reduction of political corruption Development of infrastructure Clean Water Clean Air Internet interconnection Long term investment in business infrastructure to attract industrial development Emphasis on Families Twitter your network and request that they engage in this discussion

It is a long term project, most governments around the world are trying their best to reach or achieve this goal, world peace and security. But the question is can they do it by themselves? Well, every unit of society consist of family, so if every family around the world have unity and unified I think this goal will be achieved.So first thing to do is start in a family circle.

EVery family must have a project or goal for the society, but they must be together first, teamwork. They put God first in everything they do, because with God there is no impossible to achieve.

I think the single most effective step people can take to bring about world peace and to reduce corruption in government is to begin to opt out of corporate culture as much as possible. Choose work that actually adds something positive to the world, even if it is low paid and sporadic, and cut back to essential services so that expenses are simple and minimal. Corruption continues because we depend on corrupt corporations for our livelihoods and we depend on corrupt government to reign in corrupt corporations.

We buy from them, we work for them, we are constantly doing what they say we should do instead of thinking for ourselves.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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