How come 67% of Americans in a Gallup poll support President Obama on the stimulus bill?

Obama is having to compromise on gun control. He wanted to be allowed to change the Constitution by himself. Obama is just *saying* immigration reform; he is not willing to lose part of his voter base with actual immigration reform.

Obama said he would bring the troops home by the beginning of 2012, and he's indulging in his own little personal drone war ~ missile assaults and drone attacks are something he feels like he can do without Congressional consent. Obama said that he really loves the word "Obamacare"; unfortunately, the Supreme Court ruled it as a new tax called mandatory insurance. The war in Iraq was over when Obama took office.

We still have the occupation troops there. Obama didn't save the auto industry. He loaned them the money, and they paid him back.

He claimed that the repayment was a spending cut. Obama does not support homosexual marriage; he is willing to say he does for the votes. He knows it comes down to a State vote and the Supreme Court's decision about it, so to him, it doesn't really matter what he says.

Obama was appointed by Bush to be the Chairman for the Committee to find Bin Laden. It took him all of Bush's time in office and three years of someone else in charge of looking for Bin Laden before we actually found him. Notice how the people that actually found Bin Laden and Seal Team 6 don't get any credit from "golden boy"?

That's because finding him was the only campaign promise that Obama kept. He also complained during the 2008 primaries that Hillary Clinton was trying to make political points off of Bin Laden and that no one should do that. Our economy is dragging through Obama's higher taxation, massive overspending, and horrible unemployment rates.

What Obama has done about it is raise taxes, impose new taxes, propose a higher debt ceiling, and redefine "unemployed" to be a smaller group of people. Obama is going down in history as one of the worst presidents America ever had, but Liberals just keep pretending that he's some great heroic figure. They don't mind making that up about him all day long.

We don't know why.

Obama is bankrupting this country in more ways than one. He's throwing our money down the drain and slowly eroding our liberties. How does that make you a great president again?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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