How come I can't make a second comment when I was answering a question? But someone else can?

The person that asks the question can post an answer to their own question (which in effect gives them two posts), but no one else can.

It's fine to leave a link to a hub (either yours or someone elses) in an answer if it answers the question.

Advertising your hub in a answering a question IMHO is bad form.

Probably OK to link to a picture or relevant site but to do it with the intent to get more traffic for you own hubs is in bad taste. Unless the author really did have the answer that you were looking for and created a hub about it than it is probably OK if it is not against the rules.

By the way it would not allow me to answer the question again either. Maybe they achieved God like status, and we have not got there yet. :).

According to the site rules, only one short answer is allowed per question, but someone can post as many hubs as they like in response to any given question in addition to their one allotted short answer. The only time putting a link to a hub or answering with a hub is frowned upon is if it doesn't answer the question being asked, because then it's just a shameless, unhelpful plug.

OMG! I'm on my phone right not and went to hit the vote up which I did but I hit the down my accident first. I'm going to get that fixed.

I can't believe it. This site from others is very hard to use while on a phone. The curser jumps.

Its so annoying. Thank you though lol.

I promise I will get that fixed. That's not right. On another note, yeah.. .

Someone answered a question then did it again and I went to since I wanted to add to it and my only option was to write a hub about it and its not what I was looking to do and the guy that answered twice was being mean on top of it and then added a hub of his to annoy the person more. Just rude but thanks again for letting me know I'm not the only one who can't answer twice unless in the forums or on a hub. But I will definitely fix that down arrow because that was not my intention at all.

Its weird that it let me vote both ways. That makes no sense!

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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