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Similar questions: cute attractive guy rate 1 10.
Seems like a nice person whether it's you or someone else. But, you can't judge someone by 3 pictures. Handsome?
Yeah I would say so. But for me, it's personality that counts. I have met handsome guys that are horrible human beings .
Not bad. You look like a cool young young man.
Looks can be deceiving. I never rate someone on their looks, but the quality of their mind. That by no means being limited to IQ.
One of the benefits of living a long time is the blessing of learning what is important, and what isn't. He's handsome, but is he a good man? .
That! My friend... is a true story. Valentine1989 11 months ago .
I just asked my 22 yr old daughter for her opinion, and she said hotttttie! .
Lol...thats nice Valentine1989 11 months ago .
It's not up to me to give an opinion. It's only yours that really counts.
That's why we have 'opinions' ...it doesn't have to be a fact at all.. Valentine1989 11 months ago .
Well, since you insist, I'd say the pictures are attractive.
He's pretty young so it's hard to say how he'll look when he's filled out. Right now he's pretty average or just above so I'd give him a 6.
A 7. I'd give him an 8 if he lost the fro, and a 9 if he smiled! .
I have already lost the afro..and yea I do smile alot that I almost seem it might be giving me wrinkle...though you are kinda like the only one who doesn't love the afro..loldifferent preferences , eh Valentine1989 11 months ago .
Good. I Know it is coming back around, but I lived thru the 70's when HUGE afros were around, and once is enough! As for the smile - dude.
Screw the worrying about wrinkles. A smile is one of the things that girls find really attractive! .
To add to the smile thing. Compare LL with the dimples and the sexy smile, to 50 and that gansta scowl. No contest.
Seriously! .
Thanks people Valentine1989 11 months ago .
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What is the capital gains rate on the sale of a rental property with a person in the 10% tax rate.
Should an attractive woman ask a guy 2 B N a photo with her though she knows he'a already N a relationship and she's not.
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