Not exactly. (Have a look at the new matplotlib.pyplot. Tight_layout() function for something vaguely similar, though...) However, the usual trick with long x-tick labels is just to rotate them For example, if we have something with overlapping xticklabels: import matplotlib.
Pyplot as plt plt. Plot(range(10)) labels = 15 * repr(i) for I in range(10) plt. Xticks(range(10), labels) We can rotate them to make them easier to read: (The key is the rotation=30 The call to plt.
Tight_layout() just adjusts the bottom margin of the plot so that the labels don't go off the bottom edge. ) import matplotlib. Pyplot as plt plt.
Plot(range(10)) labels = 10 * repr(i) for I in range(10) plt. Xticks(range(10), labels, rotation=30) plt. Tight_layout() By default, the tick labels are centered on the tick.
For rotated ticks it often makes more sense to have the left or right edge of the label start at the tick For example, something like this (right side, positive rotation): import matplotlib. Pyplot as plt plt. Plot(range(10)) labels = 10 * repr(i) for I in range(10) plt.
Xticks(range(10), labels, rotation=30, ha='right') plt. Tight_layout() Or this (left side, negative rotation): import matplotlib. Pyplot as plt plt.
Plot(range(10)) labels = 10 * repr(i) for I in range(10) plt. Xticks(range(10), labels, rotation=-30, ha='left') plt. Tight_layout()
Not exactly. (Have a look at the new matplotlib.pyplot. Tight_layout() function for something vaguely similar, though...) However, the usual trick with long x-tick labels is just to rotate them.
For example, if we have something with overlapping xticklabels: import matplotlib. Pyplot as plt plt. Plot(range(10)) labels = 15 * repr(i) for I in range(10) plt.
Xticks(range(10), labels) We can rotate them to make them easier to read: (The key is the rotation=30. The call to plt. Tight_layout() just adjusts the bottom margin of the plot so that the labels don't go off the bottom edge.) import matplotlib.
Pyplot as plt plt. Plot(range(10)) labels = 10 * repr(i) for I in range(10) plt. Xticks(range(10), labels, rotation=30) plt.
Tight_layout() By default, the tick labels are centered on the tick. For rotated ticks it often makes more sense to have the left or right edge of the label start at the tick. For example, something like this (right side, positive rotation): import matplotlib.
Pyplot as plt plt. Plot(range(10)) labels = 10 * repr(i) for I in range(10) plt. Xticks(range(10), labels, rotation=30, ha='right') plt.
Tight_layout() Or this (left side, negative rotation): import matplotlib. Pyplot as plt plt. Plot(range(10)) labels = 10 * repr(i) for I in range(10) plt.
Xticks(range(10), labels, rotation=-30, ha='left') plt. Tight_layout()
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.